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Everything posted by Tcufrog

  1. I posted another thread but saw no response - not sure if the team saw my save file. I've attached my save file named "1860 - transfer slider broken". The slider hasnt been adjustable since my last season ended in May, and it's now transfer deadline day 9/1. I have 40 million transfer budget and want to allocate some to my payroll budget. Have never seen this issue before, and have no pending transfers. Please let me know an ETA on how this issue will take to resolve.
  2. Good to know! Thanks for the feedback, and best of luck with Jimbo's buyout...
  3. Thanks for your response! Went to school at TCU and definitely enjoying my Frogs season in real football this year I like your comments about the PF being more of a team player, definitely makes sense. I usually opt for an AF as I like the role in the game, but have played both and not sure I can spot the differences in attack.
  4. Curious to get some advice - when do you choose to rotate between the two? I traditionally opt for an AF against teams that sit deeper and a PF(a) against teams that have a higher back line. My thinking is that an AF can push forward while a PF(a) is better suited to hassle an opponents back line and also function similarly to an AF. Mainly wondering about the differences in attack since I already understand the defensive differences - I might be totally off on my assumptions. Thanks!
  5. Great feedback everyone, much appreciated! @enigmatic, I definitely like renewing existing loans as early as possible on no brainer type players that I know will contribute next year in the Bundesliga. @Outsider23 I agree that loanees are still the best option, and really liked the comment about targeting top loanees with adaptability - hadn't considered that trait before when prioritizing loanees but I absolutely should. Two other strategies I've utilized and will continue to utilize next summer are below. Trialists have been a great way to preemptively "scout" players before signing them without actually scouting them. Since I have limited scouts, this has been huge. Utilize pre-season and winter break to bring in trialists. Since I'm not worried about the long term development of most if not all of my players since they won't be with me in a year or two, I'm okay with training taking a slight hit with too many players temporarily if it helps me get the best players in the squad by the start of the season. This strategy also allows me to bring in trialists once players realize I'm in the top division - I noticed this usually doesn't resonate with players until July 1 so many trialists would probably not have been interested just a few weeks prior. Loaning out players early in the transfer window. This pays off greatly - I loan players and remove the "loan unable to be cancelled" clause so I can bring in players in July, then cancel the loans 28 days later before the transfer window ends if a) they're not up to par, or b) if I've found a better player to replace them.
  6. Agree with everything you said. I’m not worried about building once I stay up, I’m mainly looking to compete as quickly as possible. Beat 1st division Mainz 3-1 and barely lost 1-0 to RB Leipzig in the cup so I think we have a good system, just need to find the bodies next year
  7. I play as 1860 Munich and feel confident about getting promoted twice in two years. It's only October but I'm first in the 2. Bundesliga and look to be the strongest team. The situation I find myself in is that only 2-3 players on my team look to be able to contribute at the next level. The core of my team is older and regressing, and all of my other players are decent loanees for the second division, but I doubt I will retain but 1-2 of them due to their ability. Since it's October, I'm trying to put a plan together to acquire players for next year. It's unlikely come Jan 1 that any Bundesliga caliber players with expiring contracts will opt to sign for us - below are the alternative ways I'm thinking about building next year's squad. I'm also limited to scouting in Europe. Happy to get the board's thoughts! start scouting player's on expiring contracts in bargain countries. even though they might not be interested in signing for us now, we can get a head start on scouting them in case they're available once I'm officially promoted. Rely on loans once again. id prefer not to go this route as it's almost impossible to build team chemistry with a new squad each year, and i don't build any equity in my players start scouting top clubs' loaned out players now in the hope that they'll be interested in a loan with us next year. scouting these players early would give us an idea of who is realistic early on, and then we don't have to wait until August 31st to make offers on loanees we're unsure on because they are not fully scouted utilize stat-analysis to find bargain players that may be only 2nd tier quality, but fit my system. this is a riskier strategy, but one i believe will be the most realistic given my situation continue to push the board to expand my scouting network so I can go into central and south america and pick up some high potential young players who are willing to sign Thanks for reading!
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