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4 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. It's good to see you again. I'm having trouble being consistent, especially in the championships. I came 4th with 0 wins and 0 points in a group with Manchester City, Lazio and Galatasaray if I remember correctly. Against Real Madrid I can't win, it's impossible for me, I don't even stand up to them. And then there are silly games that I lose. Do you recommend anything to solve this?
  2. there are PI in all the tactics u posted here? i've been reading all and i cant find it haaha, i love JDP
  3. Hi@cmonreds! I've actually been following your training methods and such, but I can't seem to get the tactics to work. It is true that I have possession in the vast majority of games but the results are lousy. I first tried it with Atletico Madrid and they fired me in the middle of the season when I was 10th. I thought that the players might not adapt to a possession tactic because of their qualities, so I went to Sevilla. I'm currently at Sevilla and I haven't improved my results. I have lost 3 games, drawn 3 and won 1. What could I be doing wrong? Thank you!
  4. After trying the tactics with Celtic and Atletico Madrid, they worked much better with Celtic than with Atleti. I had a hard time winning even though I finished 2nd. I have been very irregular. Why do you think that is?
  5. FANTASTIC! I love to see that type of tactics works...can u upload it and we can test it!? Thx!!
  6. hahaha wow, anyway, the tactic looks consistent, now I will try it. When do you use tactic 1 and when do you use tactic 2? I understand tactic 1 away and tactic 2 at home.
  7. If it's not too much trouble, could you upload the tactic with PI if there is one? thanks!
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