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193 "Just keep swimming"

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    River Plate

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  1. I would trim it to work rate, stamina and teamwork because the high pressing is mainly made with the attackers (wingers, attacking midfielders and strikers) and finding attackers with good numbers in positioning is tough. And I would add aggression because I think it is how involved a player want to be in every action. When I use a player with high aggression I can tell he presses a lot more than players with lower aggression.
  2. Oh, my mistake about the RMD then. It's strange because when I play an IF with a bbm, mez, ap, rpm or a sv on his side, he stays wide. If you want to change the BBM role you could try with a CM (not on attack), a CAR or a BWM. It depends on the player attributes.
  3. The BBM will keep the wide player wide. You may be seeing the IF in the inside left channel because of the role instructions, but as soon as the BBM rotates forward the IF should go wide. I think the RMD is always wide because because the role is not asked to sit narrower and as soon as the BBM rotates he stays wide. You could try not using a rotating role for the left CM so the RMD has the wide and the inside left channel to investigate.
  4. The tactic looks fine and well balanced. Sometimes the team will just underperform, especially with mid tier players. Over confidence or lack of motivation may be a problem. Are you doing your press conferences and team talks? A bad pre-match press conference/team talk can put your players on a bad frame of mind. Maybe you are adding unnecesary pressure in a match you are expected to loose or you sound over confident in a very easy match an then your players don't play 100% ready. I think nervousnes plays a big part in recent FM editions. Edit: How about your squad rotation? Tired players tend to underperform
  5. Great news! Because I will be on a budget for the next months (and maybe years) so I will be on FM24 for a while 😅
  6. 2 strikers and speed upfront is great advice for counters! You can't go wrong with DLF + AF combo
  7. Consider having your BWM(s) on your right (Balde's side) because he will step up more and help your right wingback agains Balde, especially if the BWM has good workrate, teamwork and aggression. Besides, in my opinion, swapping your pivots will give you better use of the space. BWM and WB will be closer to the AM on attack. DLP on defend will better cover your attacking wingback and your supporting AM can use the pocket of space the DLP don't use because he holds position.
  8. I like the idea of man-marking their box midfield but I think that Counter-Press and Press More Often are letting you down because those instructions are shape breakers and as Barcelona have better players they may be distrupting your man to man marking. I would try leaving your defensive transition blank (No Counter-Press nor Regroup) and to leave the pressing trigger on standard or even on less often. So they have to work hard to play around you instead of through you.
  9. And what about team mentality? Do you change it or leave it on Balanced?
  10. I think it just feels "right" to give lots of team instructions, because its what a manager do. But yeah, player (attributes and traits), roles and duties always first
  11. I do love a tactic with few team instructions. All of them make perfect sense.
  12. Thanks! I noticed you can really see tempo in action when your team is not being pressed. Players take a few more moments before choosing what to do. But I wasn't sure when the tempo is not working.
  13. When will the disadvantage happen? I mean, what are the signs of a slow tempo working badly?
  14. Interesting point. What would be the difference between the cuts inside PPM and the cuts inside player instruction?
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