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5 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Yeah I was hoping I wouldn't have to reinstall Steam but I guess I'll have to try it as I don't have anything but Windows Defender running. Thanks for the help much appreciated.
  2. I see Steam restart in the taskbar and a minute later the game crashes.
  3. I've started having this weird issue playing FM23 on Steam. After about four hours Steam restarts itself crashing the game. I save after every game so it's I don't lose too much usually but if it hits me during a long break or transfer window I can end up losing quite a bit. It's difficult as if I try googling all that comes up is Window crashes due to overheating but Windows doesn't restart and the temps are fine. It doesn't happen with any other game, I've played Project zomboid for hours without issue. I've tried verifying the game with no change. No one else I know is having this issue so it's not a bug in the game. So I'm a bit lost. Any ideas? PC specs CPU 5600x GPU 2060 Ram 16gb Win10
  4. Had four players score in the first game of the season. Each time the Goal card that comes up said it was their second goal of the season but the bottom commentary text correctly said first goal.
  5. As in the title if I select Windowed mode the cursor won't move outside of the game window which defeats the point of a windowed mode.
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