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27 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. same for me ... I disagree with game direction. but again enjoy game every year and happily buy it without hesitation and spend thousands of hours on them. But disagree on ur logic that bcz there is a variations of what people needs , that give u a green card to ignore the main streams and demands.. I done statistics in my PHD .. and yes u will never get 100% not even 90% or 60% at times. but that don't means there are no priorities majority of fans agree on. like 60% 80% .. what you saying is... ok 80% wanting that x feature is not 100% so screw everyone and let SI pick what they like bcz 20% will still not be happy. this is wrong .. bcz we are not talking about one issue, but many other features, and even if 20% didn't care about that features, they will have other features who others agree on and within 80% approval that they priorities. So SI will end up by all 100% costumers happy bcz out of 5-6 demands , u will see 3-4 been implemented at least for each user. the game need to appeal to main stream to be succeeding and continue
  2. well said... most of features added not worth for many to upgrade and lose good run they have in older saves .. is not only you but many others who I know still playing older versions. This is why I said , is game worth buying? Sure it is? is it worth £35? hmm based on additions for me .. yess bcz I like new match AI feel way better .. love new scouting, new agent interactions.. so 100% it is worth buying . but £35 is alot for what been offered. may be £15 -£20. and that is not the efforts bcz am sure SI did enough efforts for £35 and even more, but did they fixed most issues or at least tried or just spend hours on less important things... I think new features like : team planners, fans approval, UEFA licensing are all great , but I can live without .. is like someone asked to paint whole room within 1 day , and he left one wall unpainted bcz was busy polishing something I didn't ask for !! and yes it dose feel like a patch .. although tbh is more than a patch.. I think is something in middle between big improvement or patch. and 100% agree, early FMs had better improvement rates with smaller size studio. I think Si is doing great job 100% , but all this efforts are not channelled the right direction to make us feel, waw this improved in all directions just like we wanted.
  3. 100% agree no will agree 100% on each feature !!! but there are priorities ... there are top5 or top10 majority want in different % ....look to politician, sure some may say our vote will depend on Gas prices issues, some inflation, some health care ..etc. But this don't mean politician need to focus on items they want.. oh care less about what people think is important , I will focus on issues I think more important according to my point of views !!! this is not how is it going !! Despite all difference there are major issues, more priority issues for majority of voters at that movement. who decide this priority is us by voting .. polls.. there is an entire system dedicated for that called "market research and data analytics firms" their jobs is to see what is people priorities issues and transfer that to decision makers . just bcz there is a variation , that don't mean there is no priorities ranking ?!! Do I trust SI getting those priorities right? based on previous experience ? NO.. and rightly so, bcz Miles is one person, and SI team represent 0.000001% of people playing the game. you need to expand your samples to get better feedback. Let us take for example, set pieces in FM, Man this thing never been touched since first FM I think and still a hustle with every time u change a player you have to go through it all over again .. In real life, Manager will not ask players for new roles every time they make a substitution bcz they bring in taller or shorter players !! they give them general instruction .. u tall guys follow x player, and u small.. go there..etc. sure this is crying for change since years !! and yes If u ask people how much they think is a priority issue ... sure not all will say yes that.. but trust me it will be in top5. But dose SI knows that? NO bcz there is no mechanism or a system to set priorities of fans want. And I disagree on what you said, SI is building a product for us !! not for them !! is not a hobby !! and yes I trust they have capability of moving game forward 100%.. but they need help .. and more accurately they need to seeking direction from us too .. as consumers.. this can't be done internally only !! it happened many times and not working ... Yes I trust Miles/ SI will drive the bus safely, but is our trip not theirs, we decide the destination not the driver!!! but sure is up to driver which road he takes, change bus setting, route....etc. but it need to be tailored to our needs. Am not saying Si need to put aside, what am saying fans need to have a bigger share on the direction of the game improvement every year. SI done a great job by hiring people like Holly who is a streamer bcz they will have more feedback from users now which is a step in right direction.. But I think SI can improve the missing connection more by adding polls for which features nee to be priority for next games so they can plan it.. The main direction need to be pleasing for both : SI/Miles and us too as consumers .
  4. there is nothing wrong about asking named executive's powers to take less power on deciding which features need to take priority !! this is a decision ,consumers need to make , and all company carry out lots of market research to see where is costumer's priority. At the minute, this power is in hand of SI. I don't remember seeing a poll here for example asking us what is ur priority? may be mostly done by fans but not SI.. Si imo need to do more, let us decide where the bus is going but sure Miles gonna be the main driver of the bus .. but that don't means he can drive the bus to the destinations he want but what we want?! This is not asking to diminish his role !!! is just common sense. basic business !!! I was a beta tester for Fifa Manager, and had a very close relationship with Gerald Koehler, and I was behind many new features he implemented like WP, and others, sharing with me his codes prior to release...etc .. Yet I was still critical of him and he felt am stabbing him at back !!! is nothing personal . I have to be critical as Gerald Koehler problem was he kept prioritizing features he want not what we want , and that led eventually to fans giving up on what was a very promising game at start FM now is only game am playing for years, but u can read comments every year, 90% of times after each release fans left kind disappointed. but we all still buy game and enjoy it bcz we all here love the feeling of playing new FM.. is so exciting. But like any normal company, Si should seek what costumer want , prioritize based on what we want first more not what is more convenient to them . that is not something new .. is ABC of running a business. SI need to let fans decide the density of the bus and Miles/Si drive it.. sure we will keep buying the game,... but tbh there is more and more people rather continue with older version save than buying new one bcz is not much changed. I understand is hard to make alot of changes within a year. but if SI asked us, do u prefer licence or fans feedback or changing Set piece tactic options , Majority will vote for the last one, but Si decided to do first two and ignore last one AGAIN. FM23 for me still worth buying . bcz Match AI is way better and feel more real , many mistakes, realistic ball control .. Si done an amazing job on that and hope they continue improving .. the whole feel of it is great.. the agent and scouts feedback is way better too ..so yes overall the game is worth buying. especially as we are all addicted . but that don't change fact, that many old issues never been solved. am not sure if that is bcz SI do what they want.. or simply lack of real marketing research to see what features fans want improved more as priority. Every year , I end up with same feeling when playing new FM, waw that is cool, and better, but overall disappointed bcz kind overall not that much different that pervious year with main problems still unloved/untouched, as consumer , I want more polls from SI, let us decide as community where game direction needs to go what features is more important to address first. And nothing wrong on that. My issue is the communication and decision making that don't involve consumers. bringing in polls is not a hard job tbh and will help improving communication. Neither u or SI should be in defensive. u should accept criticism from consumers? I still remember SI reply to Zealnad on youth rating last year, and it was defensive again and not a nice reply overall. We all appreciate what Miles and Si done, but as FM fans we need SI to accept our feedbacks with some grace and shows they care about us (consumers).
  5. Am not trying to be personal mate.. have no issue with any person in SI. Am just a fan of the game and stating the obvious.. remember the game is created for us to play and thus should fit our demands not Miles's or any other member in SI. Am an architect and there is always an ego from me to create a house that fit what I want , but I control myself as whole target is to meet client demands .. the game should be designed based on what community want not what Dev want or prefer. I know there could be some logistic issues and some items will take more time to be implemented. But it should be us who design the game.. am not sure why u bring in community rules !!! is not north Korea mate.. am allowed to criticise how game is managed by developing team and I was just trying to pin point where I feel problem is .. I respect every SI member and admire their hard work , especially Miles.. am a UTD fan, but am asking CR to step down... is sure not out of disrespect ! Bcz I simply respect him alot but that is life. sometimes we have to make hard decisions and be objective. Have to say SI hiring people like Holly and others is great to let fans and those playing game have more say. Is a move towards the right direction but we need more of that. Just read all comments in this thread, or even by Twitch key FM streamers : Ben, Zealand, Kevin, WTS., all are pointing out , yes there is progress but slow with key elements we are asking for still not worked on.. could be in pipeline.. and could be not, GOD knows Remember please the game is designed for us not SI, And nothing is wrong if SI start posting polls on which features fans want to be the priority .. then Miles need to manage and plans ahead how to implement those features.. I feel we need some democracy in regards which features have priority. and without a poll, all those "requests of new features" are just a list where Miles/SI decide which comes first and pick & mix. I can understand if there was any rival management game around, SI need to keep cards close to their chest.. but this not the case .. there is no rival. so really I feel starting letting fans decide priority is key. By the way , I read the rules mate !! am not sure why you think I violated any ?!! I never called SI idiots or used any bad word mate !! I feel kind even sad u took my criticism this way .. read please what I said it was may be not flowerily but 100% constructive objective criticism mate. about the structure of how game is developed. is just an opinion mate and as a Consumer am allowed to say my opinion as long as I never offended anyone.. right?
  6. problem is they are same group who tried to solve previous years and get stuck to same ideas .. no innovation the team need massive shakeup and Miles need to lose some of his power ..allow new faces to share control ... replace elements in his team especially in creative area bcz this is what the game is sorely lacking SI and Miles are just doing what they want currently like they are making game for themselves not us !!! GIVE POWER BACK TO USER !!!! is only management game in market .. why keep features secret?!!! SI need to put list of possible features and where game needs to develop up here for vote.. so we choose the priority ! not them !!! .. yet same people still doing all decisions and same result every year.. sure we all are happy to get our hands on new versions every year .. but after a week or two that evaporate and u feel kind be tricked .
  7. search in Microsoft store app mate .. is there .. just download it
  8. those are areas was hoping to improve .. Set pieces is really never been touched since first FM ! a nightmare to arrange with every single change .. I should be able to simply say.. tall players up in box .. fastest and shortest player 1-2 set back .. just general instructuons to insure have pace at back if lost ball and good header or tall players at box.. is currently a nuclear physics International manager ... again .. seem never been touched from first FM 100% agree FM17 had better graphics !!! but forget that .. even mobile games like Top11 and others have better graphics .. the pitch is too dark in 90% of times bcz no Indirect global illumination .. just simply shadow of sun not daylight .. same for other buildings and stadium items... players ..etc. Managers AI in terms of tactic and transfer is getting better in speed of a turtle I want to add too to ur list.. Tactic .. eX: with ball formation,... without ball formation .. ask GK to join last minute corner .. passes direction .. like city passing to half-space like city do. directions of runs.. half space like city. ..etc clubs .. agents .. more reasonable when turning down my offers .. instead of getting angry and refusing to talk .. tho there has been improvement on that.. clubs /agent should tell me too if i can improve my offer as player seem will sign to another club ..etc Camera better movement like real match !!! seem camera is fixed .. never zoom in or out or change camera ... is same damn camera whole match interviews... dull dull dull .. make it simple , less but more quality... no more more more is never the answer training : I like to tell my assistant .. focus on X and X and X as priority and he arrange it without me have to do it every week social and media feedback could be more interesting .... I like to be hated like jose.. and fans want me to be sacked and booing me in match and say nasty stuffs in social media and interviews only great improvements I liked are: Agent are better Match engine animation and chaos is really way better. sadly graphic not fans feedback .. but could had been better those are 3 important things that make game worth buy it ... but sure not £35 .. may be £15 FM problem is they focus always on details and not fix the bigger more important picture first
  9. yes .. what is point of VAR !! when assistant flag it all time correctly so u know if was goal or not before VAR Decision !! VAR is not fun if we don't have those nervous moments !! I noticed that all time in my first save .. every time assistant raise flag is offside
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