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Posts posted by Elitee

  1. Playing as Málaga and I won the league in the first season gaining promotion. Expecting a relegation battle the following season I started quite well. P6 W1 D5 L0. Following a few more results I stayed around midtable until I played Real Madrid at home. I lost 2-0 and after that played against Getafe at home winning 3-1. Then came the break for the World Cup. After the break well... I went 13 more games without losing, 8 wins and 5 draws. April was a bad month, 1W 1D 3L and in May, I had 7 fixtures to play. I was bearing down on European places with the dream of a 4th place CL spot. Given how other clubs lost lots of points, it was very close. First 4 games were against bottom half teams, 3 of which were 20th/19th/17th at the time. Come out with 3W 1D. 

    3 games left. All home. All important. Barcelona. Villarreal. Celta Vigo. 



    I was over the moon with this! Complete shock how we dominated. My team is average at best.20211229100418_1.thumb.jpg.7716bbc1f08b2b9bd7817adab0d98fb6.jpg

    Tough game. Villarreal were fighting for the 4th place spot also and avoiding defeat gave me a great chance! This was the last match of the season ( round 38 ) however due to a waterlogged pitch, I still had 1 more to play that had been postponed and was in 2 days from this. A win would see me level on points with 2 other teams.


    By god we did it!!!


    Thanks to @Rashidiand his content on YouTube. I've learned so much about actually understanding tactics / roles / instructions and managed to get a solid system. For a relegation battle expected, with the low quality of my squad compared to the rest I never expected this. I've played FM for 10+ years and this is by far one of the greatest starts to a save I have accomplished. 


    Time for an even bigger struggle now, staying competitive in the Champions League! Will help the finances massively as Málaga don't have the much. I was given £8mil budget for the new season.   

  2. Saw you mention that the game says your striker can't play CF due to having 1*. Personally think you should take the * business with a grain of salt as you can look at attributes and make your own mind up. Also just because the game recommends that your LAM is say an IW, doesn't mean he can't play IF or even W. 



    Look forward to reading how you get on, seeing threads like this help with my own situations with the game! :)

  3. I always thought Pass into Space meant instead of passing to a players feet, they pass in front of them. Not necessarily a though ball all the time, just into open space. Doesn't mean however it's a good idea because the opposition might get to it first. 

    Some things like you have the ball with a midfielder, you have a LB on the left flank wide open. Pass into space would encourage the ball to go out to that player rather than play a simple short pass to another midfielder. 

    I could be wrong, just how I have viewed it. 

  4. So after Mourinho joined Tottenham, I loaded up my Editor and set Pochettino to leave at end of contract on the day he got sacked, and appointed Mourinho as a future transfer on the day he signed. I did that for a few others and now I want to do some more but the option is just blank. I can't even add people to clubs. 






  5. 5 minutes ago, kevhamster said:

    Have you tried using the other skin to see if it changes the colours at all?   That may make it better for you - I'm sure they must have factored this kind of thing in, but obviously couldn't swear to it, not being colour blind myself.

    Just tried them both now, Dark mode hardly made a difference, light mode I could see the bars and even saw numbers at the end. It looks awful though 😂

  6. Not sure if this is the right place to post so apologies if it is. It isn't a bug, just a suggestion. 


    As someone who is colour blind, I had to look really really close to try and find what was going on with this page.  Real Madrid have 5 players and I can't see a bar for the others without studying it. Hoping it could be made a bit more clear. 


  7. 10 minutes ago, herne79 said:

    I play it by ear.  I'll leave things on Average usually, but if I don't think someone is developing well enough I might up it.  Their personality and injury problems will play a factor however as injured players don't train at all and players with a poor personality won't take as kindly to more intense training.

    Okay thanks a lot!

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