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299 "I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"

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  1. Oh sorry, It's from when you've placed an advert for a job, and these are the responses. It comes into your inbox. Like this:
  2. I used the resource archiver and extracted the panels folder and it was in there.
  3. I am looking for a little bit of help here. I am trying to edit this panel, and I would love to add some additional information, such as 2nd Nationality, Personality & Media Handling, but I don't know how to add them to this panel. I think that this panel is called: advert respond news content panel in the news_item_panels folder. Is that correct? <panel> <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange_autosize" vertical_gap="0" horizontal_alignment="horizontal" horizontal_inset="10"/> <flags id="old_applicant_row_appearance" value=""/> <flags id="new_applicant_row_appearance" value="tables/custom/cards/yellow/row"/> <widget class="client_object_list_table" id="lstb" fixed_size_rows="true" auto_size="vertical" database_table_type="1"> <flags id="mode" value="fill_rows, select_rows, stripe_rows, show_bullets, select_multiple"/> <integer id="contextual_handler_column_id" value="Pnms"/> </widget> </panel> If so, how would I go about adding things to this panel. I'm not very good at skinning but have a very basic idea, but I don't know where I would add the additons to this panel, as there doesn't seem to be a list of the current categories to add to. Any help would be great. Thanks a lot
  4. Just my opinions on the blog put out today. Firstly, the 2 parts about the e-sports and Miles not doing public appearances, who cares and why is this even apart of the FM25 blog. If Miles is sooo important to the development of FM25, that he is now realising that he has to be around to help out, then in my opinon there are far more problems coming. Why is it taking so long to realise that he is needed, and if thats always been the case then why hasn't he been doing it all along and trying to keep to the original deadline of early November release? The lack of international management is a massive mistake in my opinion, but it was very predictable and it is entirely their own fault. For soo many years people have been asking for an improved International Managment experience and it has been completely ignored. The fact that they have just decided to not even just copy over the current shambolic version of International Management is pretty on par for what they have been doing for years now. The removal of weight, couldn't care less. Dont think its anywhere near as important as people seem to think/make it out to be. Overall its just another massive dissapointment. I thought that the reason that FM24 was just a copied version of FM23 with a lick of paint was because they were already working on FM25. If they have been working on this game for around 2 years and are still not ready/running at a delayed pace, then I have absolutley no hope for this game. I think that a lot of people were expecting a lot/too much from this game & developers. I don't know what the new engine will bring and how much better it will make the game in the long run, but I just hope that FM25 will be playable. Thats how low my expectations are for this game. Now the good news from the update.........
  5. Can anybody please help me add current formations to this screen underneath the Player Ratings. I am not very good at adding things and have spent a long time looking at other skins to see if I could find what I was looking for. I tried to add a split container but I couldn't get that to work, and have now run out of ideas. Ideally I want the player ratings as they are, then a divider that can be adjusted (This is why I think that a Split Container is what is needed) and then finally the current team formations. Has anybody got any tips as to what I am looking for? Ive attatched the panel that controls the Player Ratings part. Thanks match team stats full bottom2.xml
  6. Thank you very much, I've found what I needed and got it to work. Thanks
  7. I am trying to change this part of the tato skin, I really want to add Languages Spoken instead of Coaching Style. Instead of Coaching Style it would say: Languages Spoken Obviously, the second part would be the languages that he speaks. The problem that I have is that I have no idea where to get the necessary information to change it. Can somebody please help! Thanks <container class="tato" red_replacement="woz_3rd"> <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="-13,-20" offset="0" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <widget class="label" spec="text,small" alignment="centre_y,left,can_scale" colour="fg"> <translation id="text" translation_id="242543" type="use" value="Coaching Style" /> </widget> <widget class="coaching_style_label" alignment="centre_y,left,can_scale" colour="fg" font="tad" size="10" > <record id="object_property" get_property="npcs"/> </widget> </container>
  8. Ok thanks a lot. I'll have a look at those suggested panels. Thanks
  9. Really loving the new update. I have a quick question about the Player Ratings Page during a match. I noticed that the body language section seems to have a different font to the players name and performance section. I had a look through the panels but I couldn't seem to find how to change the font on either the body language section or the other sections to match that one. Is there any way to change the body language font so that it matches?
  10. Can anybody confirm that this update will fix the staff transfers page?
  11. Quick question. With regards to number 1, is it possible to create a seperate version of that graphic just to use on match day screens?
  12. Can somebody please help me locate these files. I have done so much editing/tweaking of things that I've got no idea what controls what anymore! These are all from the matchday. The first is from the screen when you finalise your team. The 2nd is where the continue button goes after the team talk (I think). The 3rd is from the match day tablet. Im using the Tato match day if that helps. Thanks
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