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7 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. not visible , strange i can easely download all , including last for Paranoid Ars 100, but not that one
  2. is it only me who has problem to import this tactic? file is in the correct folder but not visible from the game
  3. yes, I have started to use yours FM 24 BETA SET PIECES also from middle of the season do not see too much difference for now
  4. this is with ME23.2WARPIGSKnap451ARSENALP108ECFA from FM23 I have played with rotation , everything won despite FA community shield transfer during winter transfer window Elneny out Nelson out Jorginho out Osimhen in Dorgu in
  5. very good tactic tried with new version Arsenal, no incoming transfers, win everything team:
  6. do you have too many crashes? I have 1 crash per day in average..... I am sending data every time with crash report Any noticeable issues with game stability?
  7. actually this is the reason why long saves are boring and game is not interesting after some period of time....:(
  8. well, this almost like it was in FM2022 if they didn't fix that before beta, I do not expect a lot of changes during coming days
  9. in my save he is ok save started before fix, it 2026 already, update with fix was when my save were in 2024
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