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Posts posted by Klfh

  1. Are there any special PPM:s you are looking for or prefer in this tactic? I noticed in your thread about the inside forward that an AM with Killer passes and Looks for pass rather than to score increases the performance of the IF, but what about the other positions? In the teams i use i have found that many central midfielders (used as DM in this case) have the Plays short simple passes trait, and that I get a better performance if I play those players in the DM role rather than the VOL.

    What about PPM:s for the VOL? Tries killer passes is one I would guess is preferable? Maybe avoids long shots if long shot stat is low? The winger? Cut inside/move into channels in order to encourage variation on the right hand side? What about the ST?

  2. This thread is really awesome! After a failed attempt at a 4-4-2 diamond with my Swansea side, I changed to a 4-2-3-1 to utilize the wide options. I have pretty much copied your tactic, of which I am a bit ashamed to be honest, normally I try to read threads like this only for inspiration and steal small concepts to implement in my own way. Since Swansea is a underdog in the PL I have moved the wide players back one step to provide a little bit of defensive stability - for the last 3-4 editions of FM I have preferred LM/RM over LAM/RAM. It seems to be more in line with the kind of defensive positioning I'm after. Since I really don't like the keeper hoofing the ball up the field I have also given him the PI:s Distribute to CB, Roll it out and Shorter passing.


    The one problem I have is that the striker seem to become isolated when I'm facing tougher opposition, and I am not really sure how to fix it. I am reluctant to put him on a support duty, since I want him in the box for crosses. It gets better if I move the wide players up to LAM and RAM (mainly due to the inside forward being closer positioned to latch on to flick ons). This, however makes me open to counter attacks on the flanks. It might be an issue relating to the standard of the players... I'll se how that pans out in a couple of seasons I guess.

    Another problem is when the opposition is pressing high in a top heavy formation. My GK and CBs will often choose to recycle the possesion between them rather than try the more risky passing and I have conceeded some goals when a striker intercepts a pass in that triangle. In those matches I have had some success by changing the LCB to a BPD to encourage a ball above the high press, to the ST, AM or W. It does not always work out however. I guess I could remove the PI's from the GK - but my CB is often more accurate with his distribution.

    Overall I'm performing much better than I should, so it's really a good base. From now on, all my 4-2-3-1:s will be of the deep variety. And the SV is a really special role that I'm already deeply in love with.

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