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Green Arrow

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5 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"


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  1. Now seems to have rectified. Thanks
  2. My last update was 3 days ago not sure if was fixed but now reverted as same issue occurs just reverts to tactics you had in place before ammendments
  3. Any update on this issue as it is still happening
  4. Green Arrow

    Can't Renew

    I get what you mean can't really see all the details and wage not set the way I have so can't fully understand it, at least it's flagged and they will review. I know there has been wage issues in previous versions I have experienced but normally get a reason/ a fix if bug
  5. Green Arrow

    Can't Renew

    Based on your screenshot the maximum wage board will allow is showing at 24.5m per year player wants over that in what you have shown try to adjust down or sometimes you have to wait and offer again at later stage
  6. In tactics > set pieces > corners. There is option at bottom for defend and attack. If you select attack it should bring you up a list of your players with instructions like Go Forward, near post, far post. There is option to stay back set a player/s to that to avoid full attack. Hope this helps
  7. When you go into tactics of team and ammend style/formation the formation will switch but the new tactic will not. For example I originally started with wing play tactic as that was advised based on players I had, later in season I switched to new style however after going through whole change the box in bottom right of team set up still showed wing play, this happens with every tactic I have tried to change to
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