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357 "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good"

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    SD Huesca

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  1. They will develop if they will play most of the games for them. I would send the on loan especially if they will be important players and play good games obviously.
  2. Hello. What are the steps for adding a league that's already in the game but it's not playable? I want to add the Romanian Third League. I got to a point where I can choose it on the screen where you add/remove leagues when you start a new savegame, but after I choose my manager profile the game doesn't let me pick a team from the third league. It's my first time needing to use the editor for something and I am lost.
  3. But they don't play in any competition. The B team doesn't have ANY scheduled matches. So what's their point? I can schedule a friendly at any time to raise fitness levels.
  4. As the title says, what's the point of them if they don't play in any competition? You can't use it to develop players. It's pointless.
  5. It could be because your B team plays in an unplayable league. For me, playing as a team that has a B team starting in an unplayable league never worked as it was supposed to. I encountered problems since fm17. My B team never managed to gain promotion even after I edited their reputation with the ingame editor.
  6. It was FM20 from what I can remember. Is it really a new feature?
  7. I had in the previous versions. I don't play the beta because I didn't buy FM23.
  8. Some of the answers may have a positive or negative impact on the team's morale or of certain players. I always do them myself. There's also the roleplaying element.
  9. If you delegated them to your assistant, just go to staff menu > responsibilities and take control of them again.
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