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  1. @knap what tactics would you do tho? Like just give me a home and away tactic to use. I get so confused reading the table
  2. @knap i have asked this before best home and away tactic for elite teams. Nothing works for my Liverpool side. i just need two selections and what you would do sire
  3. Currently Brighton. So decent enough. I just need the best home tactic. Balanced was terrible. I’m assuming a 4-2-3-1 positive is the best home? Just wondering which one that’s all
  4. What’s your favourite home on the new update @knap they all have decent percentages. The standard one wasn’t good
  5. Best home and away tactic since the next update @knap don’t understand the hub test or the updates since. Is it 4-2-3-1 at home and 4-5-1 away and which ones the best
  6. Hey @knap how do you find the best away tactic?? Lose every game away.
  7. I get that @knapbut hhow do you search the best 4-5-1 for home and away. Is it in the hub test or the 22.4 tab. Like what would I sort it by.
  8. hey @knap what's the best tactic for away games for mid table PL sides. Just wondering if 3 at the back is the best idea or not. I weren't sure to use the hub test or 22.4 tab and how to pick best for away games.
  9. Hey Everyone I know this isn't the place. Just wondering does anyone have any tips for recruitment or scouting? Haven't got a clue about how to do transfer windows and scouting assignments.
  10. Thanks @knap I don’t really understands the hub test? Can you simplify it for me. I also couldn’t find the Blackpool one on .4 tab. I’m using Norwich at the mo, ideally a normal tactic not a funky one lol
  11. hey @knapbest tactic for a strong championship team going for promotion? What's the best formation? also what do you do if you're losing?
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