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Posts posted by BuckSaddler

  1. Every season is the same issues. Nobody tests it before release and there's always pages upon pages of feedback that goes ignored. 

    * Big reputation teams (anything over 6000) still will waive or sell the best players in the league in desperation to fix the Salary Cap. Look at the transfer list. It's a fire sale of good league players from MLS, because it's bugged when you start a new game. Why can't you see this? Every year.... Come on! 

    * Big reputation teams will still bizarrely sign players, using their GAM or TAM, then waive them a few weeks later. Every season we experience this exact SAME issue without a fix. Every year it's posted. Every year completely ignored.  

    * Big reputation teams still do not fill their squads because of issues above with reputation and AI. The reputation is too high for teams to consider signing ability ranges below 105-110. So teams will opt for less backup goalkeepers or defenders. Meaning they sometimes struggle to even have a bench for matches. Again. Year after year of the same thing.

    * There's still issues with B teams, where teams would rather struggle to have 20 players in their roster, preferring to have no backup players and leave them in the B teams. It's easy to win the league when you've handicapped the best teams to a reduced squad size.

    * The AI is still terrible. Every year we tell you this. It's located in the "additional helper file" in the editor that says "Major League Soccer". If you allowed access to this, perhaps people like myself could attempt to fix it. (Why not allow editors access to this?) Whatever is in this file is what is destroying the league for players. It's why you get pages upon pages on people repeating the same issues, every year.

    * MLS clubs do not sign any players for value outside of designated player contracts. It's as if it's not the rules of the MLS in FM compared to real life. Every year we see players transfer into the league in real life. Every year in FM it's impossible. 

    *Starting as Miami, you are unable to even add the 27 players to the roster that you have at the start of the game because you cannot pay down the contracts. Something seems off by a few million. There's no fix. Miami just get worse. Like everyone else does. 




    For others who struggle the best thing to do is just accept the league will immediately get worse, due to Football Managers editing code.

    * Lower the reputation of every club by about 500 and this will help teams to have a roster closer to 30 players rather than 20.

    * Select every club in the league and under finances add extra targeted allocation money to 5000000. This will help clubs not sign and waive players too, as they are able to accommodate them onto the salary cap.

    * Lower the weekly salary value under USA nation so lesser quality players take up less cap space.

    * Lower the transfer value under the USA nation for more inter-league transfers.

    Then purchase the editor to continuously monitor the transfer across the leagues and spend your career playing Transfer and editing God for every club in the league and spend about 6 times as long as you should do playing this league.



    Alternatively you can just delete the league and recreate a new one with European style rules because anything with a cap, or Major League Soccer files attached in place is causes all sorts of AI issues.

    Although all the parity disappears from the the league it's the only way to have a league that improves over time, rather than immediately getting worse like Football Manager's version of the MLS.

    Unfortunately the drafts, salary caps, designated players and academies will vanish but there's a far better transfer system that takes place. 

    Also, I would advise NOT to place a salary cap. Clubs will spend whatever they can on salaries if they have the space as the AI is not smart enough to acknowledge over paying.

  2. Hello, 


    I just wanted to share this glitch I found to increase the salary cap without much issues with the AI. Hopefully this is something new to people and it might be of some use to anyone, especially after all the good work you've done improving the MLS.


    If you go into the editor and change the currency value of the USD, which is currently 1.302, down to 0.651 you're doubling the value of the Dollar.

    Ok so this is where it's hard to explain....


    I play my game using UK pounds so it makes much more sense to see these changes. (Change your preferences from USD to Pounds and you'll see what I mean)

    The salary cap is doubled as a result.

    TV money is doubled.

    A Designated Player cap is double.

    The TAM (1.25m) and GAM (6.75m) is increased to £8M combined.

    Reserve / Senior minimum contracts double too.



    So I have left this on manager holiday for a few seasons and was really surprised to see the results. 

    Atlanta were able to bring in additional DP level players, paying down Barco's cap with the additional TAM/GAM. They also gave Villalba double his original contract at the start of the game and he wasn't a DP neither despite being on over £30k a weej. Almiron who had always left the club in the standard version suddenly changed his mind and wanted to stay and was worth £37.5m.

    I had increased the team and league's reputation and some big name transferred to the MLS, players and coaches. With the increased Reputation some American players were reaching full potential, some clubs were able to bring back American and Canadian players on DP/TAM level. I also changed the default TV money, wages and salary values, so players who were leaving were leaving for a lot more money in Europe.

    The TV money increase meant teams were signing big names a lot easier for DP level deals. I added myself as Vancouver on a test and was able to sign Welbeck, Sturridge and Boyata. 

    I'd also edited the players to have better Current Ability and Potential. I was really surprised to see players like Roldan sign huge contracts and value soar. By the 3rd season he was capable of being a solid PL player and was not even on a DP contract.

    Atlanta and Toronto had won the NACL too.

    Players were transferring within the league a lot. Especially established American players. Arriola left D.C for 3.6 million in GAM + Alvas Powell. That's quite impressive. Canouse, who i'd increased in quality got a £3m trade with NYCFC in exchange for 2 players.


    Of course the only draw back here is switching from USD to Pounds if you're not used to that.... but the results are excellent and worth playing around with.


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