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112 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"


  • Biography
    I am an avid Norwich City Fan who has supported them since I was four, when I went to my first game

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  • Interests
    Norwich City, Football Manager, Football, Reading, Psychology, Mental Health, Music

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  1. I tried to create a Commonwealth Cup, similar to the Club World Cup - an extra club tournament just involving clubs from the Commonwealth countries. Anyway, I got to the bit where you add the clubs from the leagues and I just had no idea what to do. Watched some videos, but they were all about making a new international competition. Are there any better guides or any help anyone could offer? Thanks
  2. No one is irreplaceable. I move people on with unrealistic demands
  3. I thought that if you got say Coronthians promoted enough to try and join the football league, then would be denied entry as all teams have to be either semi pro or pro. Or is that nonsense?
  4. Instead of naming the stadium after the manager, when they have reached Icon (?) status, if they are still at the club, the board should ask them what to name the new stadium instead and give us a text box.
  5. I meant for the manager to calm down the fight! 😄😄😄
  6. Hi, just checking before I report - since update, anyone else having problems offering trials - or being allowed to 'not sign' the youth prospects, my game just auto signed them all up - only allowed me to 'no decision made' them
  7. Hi, Just testing the water with this - anyone else not able to offer trials after the new new update? Thanks
  8. I believe it only appears in the last few months of the season
  9. Depending on the mental makeup of your team there should he the occasional on field scrap between the teams - at this point you as the manager can verbally intervene (shout) to try and calm it down and reduce bookings/reds - depending on how much you still 'have' the dressing room, or your standing in the game etc, depends on how likely the players are to listen to you. I feel I have explained that badly, but there could then be journalist questions etc to follow
  10. Stealing the youth is the only true way to defeat death
  11. I've never heard of this. Not ever been to Italy, can you give some examples. Sounds fascinating to me. Almost Il Principe like
  12. uploaded a save game file called 'board relinquish' also, i swear i was posting this in transfers bug forum (?!?!?)
  13. Hi, Journeyman save, in 2034, at PSV who operate with a 'negative transfer model' which seems to mean that I have to sell players to fund transfers, sure whatever. But the board repeatedly tell me they have relinquished sales of players to me, after every transfer, loan, free transfer and at the end of the season it seemed to be daily, even though there was no transfer activity to speak of. See screenshot. Any advice? Thanks K
  14. Yeah, I know that. I'm wondering if anyone has ever seen them have a decent career?
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