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  1. Looking forward to seeing how you got it to work. I gave up and tried to replicate Girona instead to... let's say mixed results
  2. Unfortunately I came to this exact same realisation. The only way I could think of making it somewhat work is having 2 CMs or CAMs with Mark specific position on the opposition full backs so they sit wide in a defensive phase but I doubt that would work too well either.
  3. I've noticed after multiple attempts to search for a similar player to player X that once the search has filtered players I cannot click the Interested in Transfer or Loan option at all. This section is greyed out and when highlighted it shows "No staff member available" However if you exit out of this view, go to another page and then come back to it the option is once again clickable
  4. Just ordered from CD Keys and got a working key immediately
  5. Been trying this out and enjoying the results and football so far. Only issue I'm having so far is the LW getting poor ratings. Tried a few players there and nothing seems to work properly, could be an issue with personnel on my end tbf
  6. You have to do it manually I'm afraid. I'd love to be able to set a default or preferred training schedule on FM24, so I don't have to do the slow process of manually changing it at the start of every season
  7. Regarding the Segundo Volante issue you had. I wonder if that's also a case of wrong personnel in your team, I retrained Adrian Bernabe to play there and he's done well for me so far on an Attack duty with the Dribble More player instruction. In fact the only tweak I've made to my team so far was to remove Sit Narrower from the Trequartista because I felt the player I had there Matias Soule wasn't getting involved enough.
  8. I've been giving this system a go with my Parma side and it plays some lovely football so far. Only issue I'm having is the Complete Forward performances have been a little below par with only 2 goals in 7 from the main striker used in that role. I do have a feeling it's down to the player not being a natural in the role just yet so it's something I'm going to monitor going forward
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