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Bazz Playerz

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6 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  • Currently Managing
    Vitesse Arnhem

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  1. Knap ive been using WOF4231 with much success. Struggling with ppm's though. Can you recommend me some ppm's per position to learn my players. Thanks a lot
  2. So maybe anyone of you can help me out. For some reason I cant load the "cadoni schedules" I see them when i want to import them. But the option to load is greyed out.
  3. I think you guys know that the KNVB didn't approve the sale of Vitesse yet. What is your take on what SI will do? Go with the new or old owner? Wanna start my longterm with the two satellite clubs.
  4. So with the new owner of Vitesse Arnhem we now have 2 partner clubs in Patro Eijsden in Belgium and Leyton Orient in the UK.
  5. So best price for beta access?? Wanna buy it now so im sure of access when it comes today??
  6. I'm thinking of pulling the trigger on 32 gb ram 3600mhz. But its mainly because i play fm, currently i have 16gb ram but windows reserves half of that. Its a known bug but i cant seem to fix it. Will 32gb make a big difference with a lot of leagues loaded? AMD Ryzen 7 2700 Eight-Core Processor 3.20 GHz 16,0 GB (7,93 GB beschikbaar)-(7,93 GB hardware reserved) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 8GB And 160 euros is a lot with the current gas bill. So if any of you most definitly smarter than me guys could give me some advice that would be much appreciated.
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