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Posts posted by fridge73

  1. I also made a part exchange deal with anoher team for a player that was out of contract in few months (expired 2021) and I used one of my transfer listed players as part exchange to cut down my wages. 
    i expected to get him in the 2021 summer but for some reason the deal changed to 2022 summer!  Look intomthat if you can, pls. Played on iPad Pro 2017. 

  2. This is one of the flaws that have been in the game since I remember. Your outlook on the game, players, anything in the game will be totally different to what the game intelligence says.  Perfect example you show there.  

    This is nothing new and hasnt changed a bit for years, if only gone worse.  An overhaul is needed and if the makers of the game tell us they have then do it again. If it takes 3 years to master this and make it impressive then so be it. 

  3. Happens for me too........all season!  Pretty much ruined my save and my interest in the game. 

    Making the game available on tablets have brought back lots of old users (and I mean users from earlier edition of the game). However, I dont think they, nor others, will be hanging around much longer if you dont stop pushing the game  into stores unfinished.  My time is valuable and so is my money. 

    If you want more sales then do it right from the start. Basic Business 101. 

    Sorry. Just p’d off. 

  4. Absolutely! Now is a good time to get into this but it will have to be the 2020 version of it. 

    Still waiting on any sort of verification that this post has been read by SI person. I can understand it will take probably well into the new year to answer all the other posts and finish off the game. :applause:

  5. Just about to lose faith in this game now. Apart from all the other flaws then I notice this one, which is a pretty big and bad one. 

    The first image is halftime scoreline. Focus on Dulwich and Ebbslfleet games. 

    Now take a look at the 2nd image and the scoreline is full time.......any difference?  Pretty much ruined my save as this happened prettt much ALL season. 

    Please fix this (and the rest) so we can get back to proper good old FM series. 




  6. There has got to be a way to make everyone happy. I accept thay they wanted to streamline the game and make the experience quicker than the original, fully packed, desktop version. Why not have an option at the beginning whether you can have a 100% hands on experience or just “click through” version (which we already have with the mobile version). There are many out there who want to play with more control on their tablets as it is more accessible than a PC and get a game in when it fits their busy real life schedule. 

  7. I have been onboard FM since the original game in 1984 with obvious stops in between. The game as moved on from a joke graphics to a very advanced and detailed version of football manager. I love it. Since we all have such a limited time, the joy of being able to get back on the FM through FMT is brilliant. The desktop version of FM20 was quite detailed and enjoy to play but no time to do that today.  Hello FMT. 

    My main problem with FMT is how we cant control the man to man management part of the game when needed. You want to have a word with your disgruntled striker who isnt enjoying his football, or you want a team meeting because you have not been playing as you expected. It is a make or break for your team and SI decided to leave that out from the desktop version. I dont think it will be added in the 21 version but hey ho. I justwant the Fmt21 to become more than just a tiny change like it has been for thr past few years. We cant be paying 20 plus for a lick of paint here and there. We need to see some changes that make sense to the game. 

  8. I must admit that I dont go often into forums like this but I do like hearing from other normal people like me chatting about their experiences during their FM adventures. I use it as a motivation as I do lose interest every now and again when I have a “West Ham sacking” moment like you did. Quite puzzling and annoying. 

    However, you have taken this to another level with your detailed and fun description of storytelling career mode. Brilliant! The way you wrote this career have, undoubtedly, made most of us who read the career some sort of assistant coaches and made us feel incorporated into the save. The award you won are thoroughly deserved and wont be beaten at any point in the future. 

    I wish to follow your future careers you plan to write about and not sure if there is a notification system here to let me know if you start writing. All the best, Tom. Your career kept me on this forum. 

  9. 18 hours ago, Bigpapa42 said:

    The touch version can't be the same as the full version. The processing ability of a tablet isn't the same as a gaming PC. 

    I know it cant be as the full version but I fail to accept that leaving out the possibility of talking privately to players cant be added without blowing up an iPad Pro tablet. Take thst away from the game and you got a poor game. 

  10. Since I am an iPad FM player I am eager to know if there will be some radical changes in the Touch version to make it identical to the PC version. If the Touch version wont be closer to the PC version this year I am not going to buy it. What really irritates me is the lack of Hands on interaction in terms of communication with players on the Touch. I cant tell someone who is playing well/badly what I want, nor can I hold a team meeting to fix something when I want to. That rarely happens and if it does then it comes at a stupid time and a suggestion from the assistant. 

    We need these things to make the game more realistic. I want to be able to turn a disgruntled player around and make him aware of what I am thinking. Right now, it is just a throw of the dice what happens. Please please please tell me this has been integrated into Touch 2018. It would be my xmas gift this year if so. 

  11. Sad to hear my favourite team sacked you. It is probably top 5 toughest job in football anyway. 

    You should reject your country unless they allow you to do it part time with another job. You didnt seem too happy with the national scene last time.


    PS: Any chance ofcopying the excel onto my iphone/ipad? I tried but it didnt happen. 

  12. Your team seems unbalanced training-wise. Not sure how you go about the training part, wheter it is hands on or let your assistsant manager earn his bacon. I always am hands on with training and plan the training 2-3 weeks in advance depending on schedule nd who i am up against. 

    For instance, coming up against a weaker team at home I would set that week in training for attacking, quite opposite if i then went to Stamford Bridge the week after against a red-hot Chelsea I would set up defence or tactical training for that week. When we had an extra break (international break or no cup action), I did other training to balance off the schedule.

    I noticed after 5-6 months that the overall feel about the squad was different than if I let my assistant take care of training. The good thing about the desktop version is that you can set up your training schedule way in advance so you wont forget and alter it at any point. 

    Just a penny.......

  13. Nice start in a job that looks tricky but will challenge you. 

    Regarding tactics, I have always been keen on 4-1-3-2 (def mid sitting in the hole between def-mid) and I always sold off the extra wingers as you did. When needing goals I sub out the def mid and change into either 4-3-1-2 or 4-3-3.  The right players are the key ingredients as Tom has just shown us. 

    Keep it up! 

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