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Everything posted by DunneAndDusted

  1. I've been on and off setting up and Ireland and Northern Ireland database for the past few months and I'm near wrapping it up. One thing I've wanted to do for the save was for a post-League competition between the two similar to the KOTI proposals here: Q&A: What are the details of the revised All Island League plan? – The Irish Times. So top 6 of each league go into combined 12 team league. An alternate take on the common league split now. I've set it up fairly successfully in a test file but struggled when using my real files. Similar when I tried to set up an All-Island Cup that selects the 32 participants from County Cups earlier in the season. It just won't recognise the winners to set up the competition. Now, I've spent my time looking through the editor hopelessly toggling things and reading things on here but to no avail. I've seen you can get around things like this by combining files through xml but I'd rather not go through that. I'm just reaching out to ask if there's any simple method that I'm missing through IDs or such. If not, I'll probably just release the files with limited interaction and just reworks of the individual NI and IRE structures. I'm tired of tinkering around with it at this point. I hope I'm being clear, I'm bad at explaining things
  2. Not this year but they have in previous games.
  3. What signifigance does the tickbox - 'Is Training Ground' have? Because it seems like clubs can 'train' in any stadium even if they're not set as training grounds. While some also will have their academy stadiums set as training grounds (Man City) (Not 'Is Training Ground') while there are others who have their academy complex set as their training ground (Everton) ('Is Training Ground'). Some have none set.
  4. The fella here has already a DB with the European Cup, Cup WInners Cup and UEFA cup if that's what you're looking for. No need to do it yourself.
  5. Does anyone have any experience with editing referees? I need to add a few into the database I'm creating and just trying to gauge how much depth there is to them. Is there much effect from their attributes? Can they get promoted/demoted through the leagues? How does their PA work, will they just eventually reach it after a certain amount of games? Appreciate any insight whatsoever into them because I know little to nothing.
  6. Does anyone know the difference between setting up B teams within the club page versus creating a new club and setting them as a B team affiliate club? Is it just preference or is there some quirks to it?
  7. I've made a continental competition and I've had trouble with it assigning the right teams. I've set it up as I think I should. 'Best Teams From Division' and all that. But it will use them qualified teams for next years version of the competition. My leagues end on the 11th of August and this competition starts at the 25th of August. I assume that it doesn't register it even if I've set for the competition to be setup *after* the league ends because there's not enough of a gap. Or it sees it as the same season. So I guess the question I'm asking is, is it just too close together to accurately draw the correct qualifying teams? If it is possible, what am I overlooking?
  8. Is there a way to make a club produce no regens? I thought of a system where a club would instead have players filter through at 18 through local youth clubs. Before I get ahead of myself I'd just check to see if anyone knows if it's possible.
  9. I've noticed if you discuss contracts with agents to get demands lower, the prices shoot back up when you negotiate the contract the first time. My goalkeeper's agent opened up discussions at £32.5k a week. I put it down to £30k and immediately bounced up to over £40k, which was the demands before talking to the agent previously. I didn't take away any other bonuses or such to make the large demand increase make sense.
  10. This is my biggest problem with the game. Keepers just being weak and conceding the first shot on target. They often get a hand to it so it seems like they *should* be saving them but still. Especially these situations where there's only a narrow view of the goal and you'd be Aguero to score more often than not.
  11. It's from where you're starting as a base. James did improve, he looked Premier League quality which is why he has stayed in the Premier League since but didn't get to reach what they thought he might. I've not suggested that everyone reach their potential, just to make it possible to surpass. United hasn't been the club to turn good players to top ones for a while but they should be able to make bad players at least average. If you were to replace all United players with those of League 1 and 3 year transfer embargo. They'd improve because they have to. There's no other option. James also got to work with Bielsa for 3 months when he was wanted 2 and a half years prior. Given Bielsa's record of improving players I wouldn't bet against him. Random generation isn't something that's unfamiliar to this game or something that will devalue the system. We already have random determination drops and we had the brexit deal so adding a few more things in that represent the off the pitch developments isn't that huge of a jump in my eyes. Randomness with the rules behind it will be enough to keep from being gamed obviously. But even if it ends up figured out, isn't the game already figures out anyway with the exploit tactics and the ability to search for the cheapest wonderkids online? A dynamic game makes a more interesting game.
  12. So? They're professional footballers. That's the goal for the major academies is to create professionals. This isn't a diss. If you think that my comment said that these should all be world class, what's the point in the conversation because you're not listening. Giving certain players 'some' playing time. It's easy to give a youth player 'a chance' and then throw them away when they don't immediately meet expectations. Its not the same as a squad full of them getting top level coaching and experience. As I've said, there's another way the game can represent the slowing down of players once they reach the big time in a way that's not a hard cap. Dan James is a fine example, good player, limited technically but physical attributes make him better and terrified me as City fan with our slow defence in 2020. But United is not the place to grow as a young player that it used to be and he probably would have learned more at Leeds with Bielsa.
  13. Because its easier to improve better players? What's the point at starting with a lower floor level? To save a few quid? It's professional football, they're not penny pinchers. If you had a team of '120 PA' players training at United for 3 years they would absolutely get past that barrier. They wouldn't do it obviously because they'd be relegated and managers sacked in the mean time. But why would you when you can buy the best? Nobody actually wants that. Not everyone should be Messi and thinking that's how DPA would be is resiging yourself to the idea of a FIFA style system which is silly. Introduce limiters on how far people can grow past their initial PA, more outside effects that lower and raise hidden attributes. Players think they've made it and their ambition goes down, family trauma and their determination goes down. There's some in the game now but quite rare to how it is in real life it feels. I had a GK on FM21 who had 154 potential and at 21 he reached it. I had only noticed he hadn't been growing about a year later and checked his PA. Now, he was a top level goalkeeper at 21, was a Model Citizen, best facilities and coaches in the world and couldn't grow anymore. Its insanity to think he could get better at anything in his game that young. If there was a player who you rated 154 in the next FM at 21 with a good personality, there's zero chance the devs would then give him a 154 potential to go with it. He had all the assets necessary to progress and he didn't because he's hardcapped.
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