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Everything posted by Birdman10piyu

  1. Yea, I bet poor Suzie is absolutely dying to play Football Manager. Again, I never said I HAD anything against Women's Football. If you took time to read my post, you'd see that my argument you'd see that I'm saying, it's not a big priority in majority of the playerbases' eyes
  2. Out of way all decisions too. They remove international management and introduce women's football. Lets all be completely honest. I don't think anyone on here gives a rat's about women's sports let alone Football (maybe one or two of you will reply "I do!"). And now that they are coming to FM they've already made a big stink about the weight thing. Okay... so now that we've brought you into a game, we've played for years, they already want to alter to it to their liking? and is there really a market for people who want to play as Christine St Clair VS Messi? I'm not against people who like women's Football but if SI was going through this major shift into a new engine, why not prioritize getting the game released FIRST then bringing women when it's ready. Then, as usual, SI will start doing pre-orders soon before showing any content. Miles then goes on to tell us how upset he is because he couldn't take a vacation. like we are supposed to feel sorry to him and still buy their game. "Here's pre-oders for a potentional buggy game, please buy it because I couldn't take a vacation" It's happening. SI has been selling out for a long time. They refused to address any issues in the last 10 years. They are bad at marketing and giving news. If the ME isn't up to par or on the level they promise. I see no reason to buy this game and will move away from the genre until someone can compete with FM.
  3. That's what it is I liked about it. It felt more "arcadey" and less like a spreadsheet simulator. It has AI generated faces for players (everyone is fake) I particularly like the player profiles. They get really into the personality of the player and do away from attributes. So you got things like how flashy a player is. What particular skills they are good (passing, dribbling, etc) One thing that stood out to me was how quick the game is. Even the loading. If I want to watch highlights from another match, it's so quick and easy and not much of a loading time I'm still keeping an eye on WAF to see if they can improve the ME
  4. I still think FM10 had a pretty good ME for it's time. Iremember discovering Neymar in that version cause he out dribbled my defenders and scored two amazing goals.
  5. WAF2024 is pretty nice. Got some good features too and indepth player stats. I'd play it over FM if the ME wasn't so crap.
  6. I havent really played but I do keep track of international call-up. When doing a LLM save and having your star striker, even if on the bench, get a call up is fun to see. It's an immersion thing for me. International experience is a stat I can see if a player has or not.
  7. It's very strange marketing, considering all the hate SI is getting, you'd think it would have made sense to share some good news as well as the bad news. These guys must have a big ace up their sleeve to share later this month or they are admitting defeat and saying "sorry, yea, this year will be doodoo but we'll do better next year". For me, if SI truly improved the ME/graphics/animations as they are hyping then this game will do really well. That's really the only thing I was looking forward to this year.
  8. I really just want a snip of the match engine. That's all I've been wanting to see for awhile. For all the features they have removed, lack of concrete info why not show us some clips? Talk about the ME atleast. I think most of us just want to see how it looks
  9. Disappointed about Internstional but I hope it's still in the game (even outside ME) I wish SI would at least show us a glimpse of the SI because I'm one oF those who enjoys graphics. I want a good looking ME that looks better than what we have now.
  10. This! Always said the same too. I get it's not a perfect simulation of football so you just have to work with the ME's capabilities and know that the other AI managesr are doing the same thing. I agree with OP. I'd like for them to fix up how we intstuct our team. Sometimes I need an "attacking" minded player to drop deep to recieve the ball VS just trying to make runs in behind. SI should really just give us "attacking" and "defending" instructions. or IN possession and OUT possession tactics.
  11. When they announced FM25 awhile back, they said we can expect "significant" improvements in th matchday experience, improved animations and physics. S yes, with that I'm expecting the ME to look better than it does now and I'm happy about that.
  12. SI doesn't owe us anything but really, some actual content of the would have been great instead of a UI mock up, not even the actual UI but a mock up. They made this whole thing "we'll do a major reveal in Q2". Not mad , just disappointed to not have something to salivate over, other than my imagination
  13. I think I understand what SI is trying with the new FM If any of y'all played the mobile version of FM24, the UI has a nice simple feel. If you want more detailed info, you can get it but I really like how there isn't so much thrown at your face at once. Even from the tactic screen, sub screen. It looks a lot more modern than what the PC version of FM does. They want to get out of the "spreadsheet simulator" box they've been in for a long time and bring a bigger crowd to the market because we can all admit FM is a tough series to break into if you haven't played it. I welcome the changes and look forward to it. Even as an FM vet, even I can get a bit overwhelmed by all the info thrown at you.
  14. Still very surreal knowing that we're about to get a proper and actual sequel to Football Manager, after many many many years we've waited. Especially with all the hype the SI team have been building. I'm definitely disappointed we didn't get any snips of the new match engine, one of the things majority of us was looking forward to seeing but I'm not going to complain about it. Hope we get more news in the coming weeks
  15. I still wish SI added a calendar date for us to start a save at the tournament. It's not much but it's fun to simulate what might be.
  16. It's cool if people prefer 2D But, as someone who enjoys watching football. I'd rather much WATCH a realistic representation of football while playing Football Manager. 3D is incredibly important, for me atleast. I don't need FIFA levels of graphics but it's such a huge game changer for most people if the game matches looked and felt more realistic
  17. AS title suggests. I've been experimenting with chatGPT to have it create more verbal profiles for my players. Here's an example of what I would generate for a player. So instead of reading attribute numbers, I prefer to try and find a more "realistic" way to assess my players. It's a bit tedious to do it for each player and it's not very consistent. I'm hoping SI eventually implements their own version or some sort of skin that properly allows us to play attribute-less.
  18. My dream has always been to be able to setup a headless FM network game that runs in real-time. With every single league in the game loaded (including all the custom databases that add all missing countries) with max detail. The game world would run in real time, so players can hop off and hop on when it's convenient for them (when they are making transfers, setting up training etc) there would be a phone app available so players can receive alerts for activity so they don't have to always be available or online. Even if you have a match, the match would be taken over by ass man if you can't be present for it. The entire game would be seamless, player count would be on mmo count levels because there would be so many available leauges. Playert can hop in and out when they want. Retire, come back to a new unused team. Every league would be loaded so every competition in the world of football would be active. Imagine just winning the champs league in Europe against human players then resigning and trying your luck over in Asia where you are going up against another set of real human players A man can dream can't he?
  19. that's what I was missing. Okay, thanks so much By the way. I appreciate the work you put into this skin. I love the emphasis on not having so much information loaded at once. I had an idea to create a similar skin where I can remove majority of the mental attributes (to play more realistically but not going in completely blind)
  20. hey guys, how do I customize the attribute panel in the player profiles? I'd like to display other attributes and change some of the wording I assumed I had to do it from here but when I make the changes, they don't stick. ".\Mustermann Iconic\panels\player\mustermann\profile\attributes graphical.xml" Is there somewhere else that needs to be adjusted? Or maybe I just need to reload the skin properly?
  21. that would be amazing. I want to try and play semi attribute less so there are some attributes I don't care to see the ones I want to hide are anticipation, decision, concentration and composure. would it be a lot to ask to convert to non-numerical? thanks so much.
  22. Hey guys, Is it possible to readjust and re order the attributes, even hide some? I'm looking to play semi-attributeless but I don't like going in completely blind I'd like the ability to have sections of a player's abilities, one for dribbling, one for shooting, passing etc But I'm also looking to hide a few mental attributes as well. Thank you
  23. I'm surprised no one really talks about it but since playing FM since 2010, I've always hated how clustered the attribute screen is. It's not organized, it's really just alphabetical order. When I'm looking at a player, it gets overwhelming trying to learn him. It's not enough when I'm checking a player's dribbling but I also have to consider his flair, agility, decision usually, anticipation usually and speed. I propose, organize it by sections. Put all attributes related to dribbling in one spot on the page, another for passing, shooting, etc. I would even say, give us customization options to organize it ourselves. Let us create sections. Hide/show attributes as we want. The outcome, it would make assessing players so much simpler. For brand new players, I imagine how intimidating the screen can look. Out of every feature I've wanted this for a long tim. I hope so delivers in fm25
  24. I love this! The features from today and last week are a huge game changer. This is going to help bring the game to life. Thank you SI. These features alone already mean FM24 is a day one purchase for me
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