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Everything posted by Birdman10piyu

  1. Good question. And does this feature, overall, give players more incentive to work harder?? E.g if I give a player a target of reaching 7.0 in training, will that incentive him to work even harder (or the opposite effect, e.g demoralized)?
  2. honestly. the fact that Miles himself admits that FM23 wasn't all that great or not as great as he'd hope gives a lot more respect for SI. It's not often devs will openly critize their own games. With that said, I'm almost certian FM24 will just be FM23.5 but overall I'm very happy to hear the plans for FM25 now. SI is fully aware of these posts we've been making and they've taken action. I'm stoked for the future of FM25. A fresh engine is going to be HUGE. I got faith in the team
  3. When I realized losses are normal and part of the game. No RL wins every single game and they don't always win the matches they want to win.
  4. I still think we should use a Growth Rate or Potential Growth system, like I mentioned. I'll explain what I have in mind: Growth Rate would be a number from -10 to +10 that represents how fast a player's CA (Current Ability) can increase or decrease. A +10 Growth Rate means the player has a very high chance of reaching his maximum potential, while a -10 Growth Rate means the player is losing his skills, maybe due to an injury or age. For example, Mbappe might have a CA of 170 and a Growth Rate of +10, meaning he can easily reach 200 CA before he retires. But if he suffers a serious injury or has a bad season, his Growth Rate might drop to +5 or lower, slowing down his progress. On the other hand, a player with a CA of 100 and a Growth Rate of 3 might still improve, but not as much as Mbappe. He might never reach 200 CA in his career, but he could still become a decent player. And if he has a great season or trains hard, his Growth Rate might go up to 5 or higher, giving him a boost. The advantage of this system is that it allows more flexibility and realism in the game. It doesn't cap anyone's potential, but it also doesn't make everyone a superstar. It takes into account factors like form, training, mentoring, etc. that can affect a player's development. It also creates more surprises and diversity in the game, as you might discover some late bloomers or hidden gems that have high Growth Rates. It also wouldn't be impossible for the game to re-create these Jamie Vardie situations. If I had a bit more patience and some time on my hands, this might even be something that can mod into the same currently (Adjust player PA in the editor based on their form, training etc)
  5. No, Messi wouldn't jump higher than Ronaldo. Would Messi jump higher though than he did before??? Absolutely. But For shooting. You agree? that there would be growth none the less, even if incremental, whether you achieve world class shooting ability or not and regardless of any other attributes, you'd have improved your shot from year 0 to year 1000. That's the argument we're trying to make for dynamic PA. If I'm capped at 10 ability in shooting and I've already reached that cap, I can spend the next 1000 years practicing shooting and I would never exceed that hard coded number 10, no matter how much I practised. Whether a player reaches Messi like status, we think its realistic when we know a player is able to improve his playing abilities, even if it's incremental growth VS the current system that stops players from growing past a certain stage
  6. It's all possible too. The AI tech can generate real people. Imagine if faces were dynamic too. Like a young 16 y/o will have..well.. a 16 y/o but imagine as he ages, so does his face with the AI tech. Would be wild. I'm on that side where I think the interviews have a place in the game, I like role playing a manager so I'm glad it's in the game but like most people say, it's repetitive as hell. I think the interviews should he treated as a way to build relationships with the players and opponent coaches. It should also be a way to build your "personality" which can then bevrelfected in how you react to your own players. E.g if you're always aggressive in interviews, it should carry over to how you carry conversations with your team. Some players react better to a certain type of coach.. so yes. Could be a thing.
  7. You guys make a very good point. and I think I'm starting to understand where you guys are coming from. I'm in the ladder that I really think that any person has an ability to achieve a mastery level of skill if they are willing to put the work into it. I could spend 1000s of years striking a ball into with the goal of getting top corner every time. Should I be a better shooter??? absolutely. will I be able to dribble like Messi or have the vision like Messi? Maybe not, but in FM terms, you don't think my "long shots" shouldn't be 20?
  8. I think everyone can be as great as Messi if the time was there. A an average player's playing career is what? 10-15 years?? 20 max. Messi was a rare specimen who was able to grow his footballing skills at a crazy rate. For the sake of argument, If you put a kid in a hyperbolical time chamber and he had 100s of years to train and play football and doesn't age. In that time frame, you don't believe that it's possible for that kid to achieve GOAT level playing ability?? If I had 100 years to play piano. I'd sure hope I'd be playing at Mozart levels. My whole argument is that I don't think people have a cap on their abilit to achieve mastery at any subject. Some people grow faster than others. We want FM to reflect that as well.
  9. I'm going to revive this because I've always thought of this I'm all for "dynamic PA" and here's my argument. If I have a 23 yo winger with 100 CA and 130 PA, with perfect mental and hidden attributes and I place him on the best team in the world, with the best training facilities, best coaches, best mentors. And he plays occasionally, gaining first team experience. If I used an editor to keep that player 23 for the span of 1000 seasons and he keeps playing for those all those seasons. He still wouldn't get to Messi level, probably wouldn't even be a world class player because the system in place, no matter what, would not allow him to exceed his PA of 130 That's where we have a problem with the current system. Everyone knows mastery over a skill takes time and if players had countless lifetimes to practice and play football, you'd expect they'd be at a GOAT level of skill. Instead of PA. I think we should have potential growth rating. Let's say a player is CA of 100. Instead of A PA, have a PG, potential growth. So a player can continue to grow but his PG will determine how fast he grows and just like real life, some players grow faster than others. And some even deteriorate
  10. I love the new update, Dan. Great work!! I haven't bought FM23 but I'm almost tempted just to be able to use this skin. I've always wanted a skin that translates the attributes into readable text for an attributle-less playthough, this is what I need.
  11. If we're going to talk about graphics. I think what people are really asking for is for an improvement to the animations. We don't want fifa 23 textures but we do want fifa 23 animation's and physics. Right now, every player still moves like robots, ice skates and shoots the exact same. We'd like to see more weight behind a player's actions. We'd like the physics improved so you can actually see players bodying eachother.
  12. I think some players can be considered physically imposing. And some players dont like to be pressed or get pressured easily. I have a feeling the game takes care of that already. I wonder if it's something learned in game or if its preset E.g if a player is known for causing injuries during tackles, picking up reds and is physically strong. Do other players learn that as the game plays on??
  13. Honestly, even if the ME and graphics weren't improved but they changed the UI/added the simple enough QOL changes I'd be convinced to buy the new game. I'll just say this now, stop buying FM. Don't buy FM24 if they pull the same game. Boycott the product enough so they aren't so complacent when working on FM because I think SI has just gotten comfortable knowing they hold their fans by the b***s. They know there aren't any real competitors out there right now and sadly, it's true. Who the hell wants to play soccer manager? sure, it's getting better every year but it's no where near FM. Until a new company comes out with a new game. we're stuck with SI.
  14. I'm all for women's football too. I'm happy to have more leagues added. But is it such a priority that we need SI to put all their resources into that one feature? Not really. The problem I have is that SI is going to give us women league and consider that a "major feature" and ignore everything else
  15. - Bring back timeline during matches, there seems to be absolutely no reason to have removed it - bring back pre 2017 cameras! Who the hell uses data analyst? - Change the UI. The game has had the same look for years. Change it. Right now everything is a cluttered mess and is ugly to look at. - better graphics!!!!! - more visuals, immersive team interactions, more story telling aspects. Less spreadsheet simulator, more visuals - dynamic PA. You can argue this all you want, but having PA already set for all players already breaks emmersion. A player's PA should fluctuate based on performance. Mbappe's PA grew from previous FMswhy should it be any different in game? - speaking of that, do something with dynamics. Once you get full green in dynamics, you're basically just steamrolling. There should be scenarios that force you to make hard decisions E.g star player arguing with teammate because they of some dispute on the training pitch. Star player is known to be hotheaded, do you.. A. Sell him to ease up the tension in the locker room or B. Live with it because he's bagging you 30+ a season? I'd like to see situations like that arise. More off the pitch drama that force us to make tough decisions. With all that said, I have a gut feeling that FM27 will be THE game.
  16. I agree, it can be tedious. We need a quicker way to do this. After every training week is done, give us a training report as a list and have a the Praise/Criticize button next to their row or something. Or maybe allow us to automate it??? if a player's rating > 7.0 then praise or if player's rating < 4.0 then criticize.
  17. I do like where you're going with the idea. At this point, the game gets too easy once you're at full green bars in dynamics/morale is high etc. Would be great if there were mechanics, such as this, within the game to keep things challenging and keep you on your toes.
  18. I think we can all agree. FM is aging and is in dire need of a bit of a change on the mechanics. Not just the complex stuff, such as ME improvements, graphics but for simple QOL changes that we've all been screaming for, for years now. Quality of Life Requests - Changes to the tactics screen: Make it more readable, have little icons above the player cards to symbolize their PI instructions. e.g if a player is to "dribble more" show that as a symbol on their player card on the tactic screen... why not?? just makes it easier to read the player instructions without having to actually go into the PI instructions - In possession/out of possession tactics/overall tactic improvements: Again, why not. We've had the same tactic system for years but we've got to a point where players want to fine-tune their tactics now. From being out to set attacking, defending tactics would allow us to dictate how much we want a player to push forward or track back. To providing blank player role templates to create our own instructions (even saving player roles as templates) - During match, I always thought it would be great if I can adjust a player's instructions by just right clicking on him and clicking on "Dribble more" or "Dribble less" or something. Do the same thing for marking. Currently you have to open 2 windows in order to set marking instructions. I should be able to do that straight from the match itself. - MORE camera angles. Pre-FM 17/18 we had so many more. A lot. in exchange for that we got the ability to change zoom (which isn't all that great compared to what we used to that) and height and one called "Data Analyst", which I will bet nobody uses. Future Requests - Can we get a "realistic" skin. Currently, it's a fairly popular trend to play "attribute-less". Instead of attributes, give us more descriptive summaries on players. It's more realistic to rely on watching a player or reading a scout report VS looking at sets of numbers to determine a player's ability. This would just be a more immersive and fun way to play - BETTER GRAPHICS, BETTER GRAPHICS, BETTER GRAPHICS. Do I have to say it again? Like Zealand said, I hate pretending like the graphics aren't a problem. They are. Every new FM release we get, the first thing I judge is the ME and graphics. I usually buy FM every year but I've purposely skipped this year because of the lack of changes. A slight adjustment to the ME didn't do it for me and would make me feel ripped off. SI. Improve the game. You've been on your high horse for having the best ME on the market but it's gotten stale now and the fans know, you know probably know it too.
  19. This! I'd love to play online FM games but getting a schedule together is a huge hassle. I don't mind FM not created dedicated servers and us just creating our own to leave on 24/7. So if we had like 20 players, it would be great if we can hop on whenever it was convient, without having to wait for anyone, do our thing, scouting, tactics, etc. Click continue then exit. Then just come back until everyone has clicked continue as well (put a timer in so the game is forced to progress after a certain time)
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