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26 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    Paris SG

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  1. so if it looks like this, then it will be created, right? Thanks.
  2. I created a league in Malta and added U18 and U21 teams. I noticed after a season that now besides the U18 and U21 leagues, there is a cup competition that is unplayable. How can I stop the game from adding the cup?
  3. Pretty much the title, I've tried in this FM and last one to change the 2nd team's name in the Editor and it doesn't work. For example if I want to change the Borussia Dortmund's name to FC London, it works, but the 2nd team still has Borussia 2. Same applies for other countries as well. Has anyone figured out how to do it?
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