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49 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"



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  1. Hi, apologies for the late response. I have been busy as of recent. Could you ink the Excel file so I can have a look at it? I had a look at this and I'm afraid I'm not sure how to fix this problem. If possible I would suggest using Excel for the spreadsheet as it is where I created the spreadsheet
  2. If you go to File, then Options and click Regional Format Settings, you can set it to your country. Hopefully this helps
  3. I have had no problems with this so far. It could be due to using the browser version. Could you explain what exactly you can't sort?
  4. You can try to edit the number of minutes on the filter, or you can pick specific positions you are looking at to reduce the total number
  5. Hi mate, I didn't realise I had forgotten to unlock the cells. Thanks for letting me know! This is the updated download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/hwytmyi3xis70e4/FM24_FMSS_Statistics_Spreadsheet_v3.1.zip/file
  6. Hi everyone, the latest version of the spreadsheet is out now! This includes new features such as percentile scores for attacking, midfield and defensive playstyles added to the percentile table and the player profile screen. Also, a new sheet 'Filter' has been added which always you to filter players by percentile score on up to 10 metrics. Additionally, a new value 'Performance Score' has been introduced which provides a score based on a player's average rating and the relative strength of the league that they play in. I would like to give a big thanks to @GIMN for allowing me to add my own twist to the idea of the score system as he had used in his brilliant Moneyball Clinic series with Chelsea on his YouTube channel. I absolutely recommend his content for anyone who is interested. An example of how this value can be used is in conjugation with the new wage percentile to determine if a player's performance earn their wage (performance score percentile is similar to their wage percentile). If the performance score percentile is drastically underperforming the wage percentile then this could suggest the player is not playing to required standards. On the other hand, if the performance score percentile is drastically overperforming the wage percentile than this could be used to show a player is playing above the required standards. It is important to mention that the performance score will not be the most accurate measure of a player's actual performance level, so do not expect it to work perfectly. And more importantly, it will only be useful if you use the FMScout Real Names Fix as it will just be the player's average rating if not. For those downloading this version of the spreadsheet, be sure to read the instructions beforehand as there are new more things to do now. Hope you enjoy using the spreadsheet! https://www.mediafire.com/file/2wdtn89z405lj6b/FM24_FMSS_Statistics_Spreadsheet_v3.zip/file Updated Player Profile Page: Filter Page:
  7. Sorry to hear that you're still having problems using the spreadsheet. Unfortunately, I do not know how to fix this.
  8. Hi, I have had a look at your spreadsheet and it works perfectly fine for me. The problem might be because you need to use the latest version of Excel so you probably have to update your Excel. Let me know if this works
  9. Ah, have you tried clearing cache and reloading the skin then restarting the game?
  10. I think this might be due to the skin. My best solution is to clear cache, reload the skin and restart the game.
  11. It is not mandatory but it is recommended if you want the statistics to be as accurate as possible
  12. Yes, this should work with any league in the game provided there are statistics available for them.
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