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Issue Comments posted by CyberOps

  1. I tried deleting everything that had to do with the game yet it was still crashing the editor right after opening so have given up for now until you guys have fixed it so it can run on other drives then C, ended up reinstalling the game on my J drive where all games go and will wait for a fix before trying the editor again. I'm not the only one btw seen lots of people on reddit having the same issue no matter if they moved it to c drive after or not, gues aftr you once installed it on a drive other then C your out of luck until you redo your entire PC which was the only way to make it work for someone well I aint redoing my entire game pc just for the editor so will be waiting for this to get fixed.

  2. 22 hours ago, EdL said:

    It should work with both on C:\

    Try deleting C:\Users\<your usernam>\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Editor 2022 it might be when it crashed on starting when FM was on J:\ it corrupted something

    Already tried that but it doesnt fix it, I asked others and didnt fix it for them either. But like I said hope it gets looked at to begin with cause it makes no sense at all forcing people to use the C drive or it wont work

  3. On 18/11/2021 at 22:21, EdL said:

    I'm guessing you have installed FM on a drive other than C:\? For now can either move FM to C:\ else we while endevour to resolve the issue in a future update.

    I tried this but it didnt make it work either, now I have both the game and the editor installed on c drive and the editor still crashes/ Hope this is seriously being looked at. Would love to have it installed on my J drive to begin with where I install all my games.

  4. 5 hours ago, joeski27 said:

    Same issue, having finally found the pre-game editor should be downloaded from the microsoft store, it does seem that it will not even launch. The comments on the microsoft store are much the same, with only few people able to actually use it and then as above it crashes the game.

    Yeah I hope it gets fixed fast

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