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34 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. Potentially full back on support with sit narrower and maybe hold position for the Ben White role. Will sit narrower but will still get forward and overlap
  2. Luke Shaw as a more CWB or WB getting forward, Rashford tucking inside? Or, Fantasista10 made a 3-1-6 from a 433 shape, with the holding midfield player used as a RPM getting forward and a Libero stepping in https://gyazo.com/f2d088fe5d626100196676c1624e95fd
  3. Could you upload it please? I don't have a login
  4. Simply fantastic results, and to achieve it playing exactly how you want to is great stuff. Will you keep Scamacca or look to shift him on, 15 hours without scoring is a hell of a run!
  5. Scamacca is aerially dominant, have you tried not using low crosses? I prefer low crosses personally, but Scamacca is so big
  6. great stuff, looks like you are pushing for the title
  7. How are you getting on here? Who did you get to replace Koopmeiners? What's the tactic looking like
  8. Pirlo at Juve played with 3 centre backs to cover for him a bit, and two midfielders in Vidal (especially Vidal) and Marchisio who could help out with defensive stuff
  9. Unlucky you didn't win the league, looks like you absolutely smashed it. Will be interested to try it out
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