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53 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  1. he did not become near as good on my save. I was probably unlucky with his potential
  2. No, that is not the issue! I should have been more clear: Martinelli and Ugarte went away to a u23 youth championship in january. They are first team starters for me. I can understand players going away for the africa championship, as that is national teams on the highest level. But youth tournaments should not take away players in the first team without the option to refuse.
  3. I'm in the middle of my second season at Arsenal and in january, several players are unavailable for me due to them going away on some youth tournament. We are talking established first team players like Martinelli and my new multimillion signing, Ugarte. This is in the middle of a packed match program. In fact, i'm having difficulites mustering a lineup not consisting of reserve players. Is this normal in the real world? I can't recall this happened in january. In game i'm powerless to stop it.
  4. on my new save he got 131 : ( Maybe -85 would be more fair? I used to buy him, but not this time
  5. why has Van Dijk (*spelling) better technical attributes than world class midfielders? He even has high dribbling stats, but he hardly ever dribbles. And Salah just isn't that fast anymore (even though he is still good). In response to those complaining that defence don't pick up on runs, I think this is realistic if you play a high line, high pressing game. It should then be difficult to track runners
  6. I don't understand how Harry Kane can have one of the highest current ability in the game, when there is a CA cap on each team. Tottenham is not a top 2 team, so that must break the 'rules' quite hard.
  7. Glad to see both Xhaka and Partey get boosted. Most players have increased potentials. Saliba, Saka and Martinelli are now (or will become) some of the best players in game.
  8. I only tick off two or three playable leagues, and maybe a few more view only. I've actually never loaded as many players as you guys do, but maybe I will now. Doesn't it just make the game very slow (even on a fast computer)?
  9. Release the kraken! Personally I like the game very much, despite the flaws. Honesty without love is brutality
  10. Where is it? I can't believe it's not here yet. I can't sleep, eat, I can't think. Why not release it already? What's taking them so long? At the very least I hope they are busy working on some great addendums, like a ghost mode, where players turn into ghosts somehow and the office is haunted. Is that why it's delayed?
  11. it's not crap because you are using it wrong. That is what my post was about. This whole thread is about how it can contribute to FM. Also, if your understanding and use of ChatGPT is through the old prompt, you don't really know its capabilities. Asking it randomly to give you advice on tactics is obviously not very useful
  12. It is just an example of the use of AI tools, and thus have alot to do with the discussion at hand. Meaning even static information like plain info can be made interesting and tailor made with the help of AI
  13. Crap? This is objetively wrong. It depends on what you use it for and how (also, ChatGPT comes in more than one form). The limited understanding of these tools at display, combined with the negative attitude to explore possibilities, is quite disappointing (including your snide and pointless remark).
  14. It's unambitious to think like that for a big game like FM. The costs could be too high, but that will be remedied by implementing their own AI services over time, which would be both simpler and more specific to FM. AI could be used plenty of places in FM that not only would make the game less repetative, but also considerably more informative. How cool would it be to use a simple text service through AI to show tidbits of information on the city your team is playing against? I would love to have a little map and a little text box when playing against some lower league team or international team, where it shows the city on a map and some information about it. That is not in any way complicated to implement, it certainly shouldn't be. The benefit would be huge for a game like FM. It's the main thing I miss in game, and it's more of a closeness/discoverability to the environment and culture. A tool like ChatGpt would be perfect for this. If the costs would be to high, then there are ways to go about it. 1) set up a server that is basically a proxy between FM and ChatGPT. It would be like a Redis server, but for information to be used in FM. So in game FM would enqure for info on Torquay (for example) to the proxy. If it is already saved in the db, it would return it, else it reaches out to ChatGPT, inserts this info in the db, and returns. It's cheap and effective. From time to time, this database could be updated for more fresh info if desired. For information that needs to be more dynamic, then you could directly use ChatGPT, or preferrably FMs own AI tools (it would be worth building in the long run). But doing it this way, alot of the operations would be stuf that don't need to be immediately dynamic, so the costs will be substantially reduced. 2) Not use AI services, and instead just download wikipedia to this server. You could even add a feature where FM users could update information themselves. It's amazing how people like to contribute to things they care about. it gives them a sense of ownership and pride. This is a huge opportunity for FM, like many other things I've listed. It's not about these specific examples, but these features are just something I would want. There are many use cases (generating pictures and backgrounds for example). I sometimes believe the developers/leadership/owners of FM to lack vision and ambition. It's a really great game, but they really neeed to inject some vitality into their game or they could quickly grow stale. A FM that includes women's football is not really that innovative (it's more of the same). Using the opportunities of internet services would make the game considerably more dynamic and adaptable. It really isn't a complex thing to do for most developers (I suspect it's more about having a culture that is afraid of change, which most companies grow into). An indicator of this is people who obsess over details that are wrong and then come to the conclusion that ChatGPT is terrible or not useable. You simple don't see the forest for the trees.
  15. Liverpool has been incredible on all my saves and that don't reflect reality. Even last season they showed big signs of a downward trajectory. Salah has lost alot of pace and power, Arnold looks like an average player almost. As for Arsenal, I hope they don't upgrade Ødegaard too much. I've been following him for a long time and he is still afraid of tackles and will not put himself in harms way. He has a history of injuries and maybe that plays on his mind, but while he works hard and can be aggressive, his bravery stats should be very low in my opinion. His leadership abilities are more about him being professional and a good boy rather than a good communicator (which is the mark of the best leaders). He is not bad, but he is a bit too quiet. Also, as someone who works in leadership consulting, the leadership courses in game should cost alot more at higher levels.
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