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Issue Comments posted by V3ntricity

  1. Liverpool has been incredible on all my saves and that don't reflect reality. Even last season they showed big signs of a downward trajectory. Salah has lost alot of pace and power, Arnold looks like an average player almost. 

    As for Arsenal, I hope they don't upgrade Ødegaard too much. I've been following him for a long time and he is still afraid of tackles and will not put himself in harms way.  He has a history of injuries and maybe that plays on his mind, but while he works hard and can be aggressive, his bravery stats should be very low in my opinion.

    His leadership abilities are more about him being professional and a good boy rather than a good communicator (which is the mark of the best leaders). He is not bad, but he is a bit too quiet.

    Also, as someone who works in leadership consulting, the leadership courses in game should cost alot more at higher levels.  

  2. Hei, these are just some feedback after finishing the season with Arsenal, making no transfers. I'm a big Arsenal fan and watch all their matches.

    I enjoyed it and it seems farily realistic, even though many thinks Arsenal are underrated compared to real life. In FM, Arsenal have alot of young players that will develop as you play. So the team will get stronger as the season come to an end. I finished 4th, and had some big injuries, most notably missed Ramsdale for half a season. But there is an argument to boosting Arsenal a little (and downrate Liverpool).

    Ramsdale is too good and Matt Turner should be better. In real life (RL), Ramsdale has the "bozo gene" (together with Gabriel and Xhaka). He can make great saves, but can lose his head any minute. He is not a world class keeper, his decision making to rush out or not is average. The same for his presence in the box on corners and free kicks.

    Matt Turner has performed relly well in all his games. In game he is terrible (so if you get Ramsdale injured you are in trouble). Surely this merits an upgrade? I would compare him to the disrespect Martinez got while he was second to Leno (while actually being a better goalkeeper). Turner is the opposite to Ramsdale, in that he is very calm (has a calming presence) and intelligent. 

    Saka is too good. At the end of the season he has developed into a monster. I sold him to City for 125m pounds. He is a really good player, but in reality his mentals should be much lower (maybe also boost his physicals). Together with Ramsdale, he has not shown world class level yet, and if you speak about those players to other non-arsenal fans they would not at all rate those to near that level.

    Xhaka and Partey are underrated. Xhaka has matured alot these last two seasons, there are no one who would deny this. Partey is one of Arsenals most important players, his stats show this. Without him Arsenal win rate is less than 50%! Their mentals should be increased alot. Xhaka has 10 in positioning. His creativity should be lowered and his positioning increased considerably. While his concenstration is not the best, his decisions are great. His determination cannot be questioned either. His tackling is poor in real life, even though he is a physical player.

    Ødegaard is slightly too good. The problem with him his whole career is that his bravery and strength is terrible. Sure, he presses alot, but he has no physical presence. Vieira is even worse. Both should have even lowered bravery, strength (and tackling).

    I have no big problems with any other players, they are really working well! A steller job to the researchers!

    Nelson is fine, unlike what many thinks. He is a great talent that never developed because he never got to play consistent games. The same with Nketiah (only his strength should be a bit higher). 

    My last point is economy. Arsenal's wage budget surely must be higher than in game. They have gotten rid of many top earners (Auba, Øzil etc). In game they are too much behind the top clubs in wage budget to compete (unless you adjust drastically the transfer budget into wages). 



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