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Posts posted by Jeroentjee

  1. 6 hours ago, Tsuru said:

    I normally look at the assistant manager´s suggestions to give me a starting point. Right now he says Tiki Taka is a good style for my team, so I have been working on the original TIs of the template to create my own possession/attacking tactic. I do, however, select the formation, roles and duties by myself, normally looking for topics here at the forums to inspire myself. Then I start testing, tweaking and looking for what works best for the tactic itself.

    I think FM has become more realistic over the past years, developing a tactic now is a process and it takes time. You will hardly match everything immediately, patience is key to success.

    First one is an absolute great method to get a direction to go. The thing for me was with this that i really want to learn the analyzing of a squad and see the mvps of the team and connect a tactic towards them. Normally i got my kicks out of playing moneyball,  full on analyzing stats, finding better and better players for cheaper and cheaper.  Now on fm 22 touch,  you only can see assist and goals,  and assist per 90 mins and goals per 90 mins so that part that i loved fell of (bummer SI come on...). So thats why i want to get into making tactics more, and yeah patience is everything with that... i feel that when joining a team in january or february for example... those first games in the middle of a season? Damn...

  2. 15 hours ago, dcayton9 said:

    Ok so after looking at your squad, I'd say you have a solid team for positive, so stick that as the mentality. Then, go with higher defensive line as your defenders are fast (except Koopmeiners, but I suspect he's a rotation player), and test line of engagement at higher. If you find your attackers are tiring out quickly and not enough mistakes are being forced through the high press, switch it to standard. Your squad has good players for the high press with good stamina and work rate, but McNeil, Daka, Tsygankov, and Zakharyan all lack aggression to constantly be a nuisance to the opposition, so it may be ineffective which is why I'd test it, and if you're seeing no highlights come from that, switch it to normal. Last, I'd stick with the high press, as you can create an aggressive block with your deeper players and they have the quality for it, but maybe drop it to standard against elite opposition in the league/UCL. 

    Then, I'd go for a 4-3-3 or a 4-2-3-1. You could even make one of each tactic and see what you think plays better. Aside from the CDs, you have some options regarding defend duty, as none of your players are particularly limited. Therefore, the last player I'd set to defend would be Kessie, as a BWM (d) as he doesn't have spectacular attacking stats, but can cover ground and tackle strongly. You're right about getting Zakharyan on an attacking duty, and I'd suggest as a playmaker, given his amazing skills. Furthering that, in a 4-2-3-1 I'd even deploy him as a trequartista, so he doesn't waste attacking energy in a high pressing system or as an AP(a) in the 4-3-3. You should also run an AF instead of Poacher in a single striker system, as your strikers are fast and have great movement (except Gomez, who I'd play as a poacher when you start him). Lastly, if you want to play more direct, set a wide player to attack. In one tactic, we'll do a wingback and in one we'll do an inverted winger on opposite sides, but this can be transferred to the other depending on area you want your creation from, simply swap the duties around or sides around. I'm sure you know, but try to use a left footed player as a Winger on the left or an IW on the right, so in my tactics, either start McNeil and Tsygankov together, or start Thielmann and Curtis Jones or Kean on a flank. Your starting wingers and fullbacks are all capable of an attack duty, so maybe just check PPMs or use your personal preference on what you want. Then, fill the rest in on support and we come out to two shapes. If you want more fluid play or most of the creativity to be filtered through Zakharyan, use only the attack duties on him and your ST




    Last, attacking instructions. I think you're actually spot on with what you have now. Wide, standard passing, higher tempo, and to counter in transition your fast attackers with good width support the ability to do that. 

    Final note, IW vs IF is up to discretion, I'd suggest McNeil as an IW when played and Thielmann as an IF when played but they are similar players, just IF is more direct than IW.

    Dude you are spot on. Im so happy you think i am on the good track and the scary thing is... all the players you mentioned were sold as i used your way of thinking to conclude they were fine players,  but Just not what complimented the rest of my team. Im looking more at attributes now because of your guide. I do this, because i understand better now what attribute is good for which role or TI. 


    Furthermore (im almost done, Just want to give you a reply as you took so much time to write yours) i didnt do great in the season i took over... i ended up 11th in the league (they were 17th when i took over). What i did win.... is the freaking champions league. I didnt understand as first. But when i looked at Who i line up in the CL (the important matches) and in league games i understood. Not enough aggresion,  other mental stats and my defenders were 50 percent worse than the starting line up. So for the next season, i focused on improving this and well... it went great in my eyes,  2nd in the league now but enjoying it more, really looking forward to new posts in your topic tho. I Just have 1 problem, over the top thru balls man they do my head in... is lower line the only option to fix that? 


    Ill add some screens,  maybe its nice for you to see what your guide done for someones save game and how it increased my squad quality!


    I got freaking davies! The perfect left back, expensive as hell, 90 mil, but amazing and selling all the non agressive players that didnt performance. I have rhe feeling my squad is alot better man.







  3. Very interesting topic indeed. Kinda came up with the following using this method. Maybe one of you guys could tell me what ya think?



    IF(AT)         WI(SUP)



    WB (D) CD           CD      FB (ATT)



    On a positive mentality,  wide, standard passing,  higher tempo, counter and higher higher lines. Its very basic and it had a bit of succes, but i think that i give this team too much Praise quality wise. I think we are not that good as i thoughts so i think ill put the lines down more..


    I posted this in a topic i made with a question, and this topic is exactly the answer. I just need some more indeep stuff, but the basics are there. This is the topic i talk about under this message.

    Look i know you are probably busy and stuff, and not waiting to check every tactic people send you. In my topic, i put pictures of my team, attributes etc. If you have time, can you see if im on the right track, with my analysis on my team, and the tactic i made using your topic? Maybe use it as an example or something. But if you dont want, thats perfectly fine, ill keep my eyes on this topic anyway! Much love !


  4. 22 hours ago, bosque said:

    I can recommend you reading this recent guide, it helps you to create the base of a tactic using common sense. Is a good place to start:


    Very interesting topic indeed. Kinda came up with the following using this method. Maybe one of you guys could tell me what ya think?



    IF(AT)         WI(SUP)



    WB (D) CD           CD      FB (ATT)



    On a positive mentality,  wide, standard passing,  higher tempo, counter and higher higher lines. Its very basic and it had a bit of succes, but i think that i give this team too much Praise quality wise. I think we are not that good as i thoughts so i think ill put the lines down more..

  5. 2 hours ago, Johnny Ace said:

    You could try putting your together a a tactic, trying it out then reporting if you have any problems

    If you're fancying  a 4-2-3-1, have a look at your strikers, start from there. who the best striker and what sort of striker is he? What traits does he have? If he's an all out attack and score type player then you're looking at a AF(A), PF(A) or P(A). If's he creative, then look at the more creative forward roles like a DLF, then you'll probably need a more attacking role coming in from the wing or behind. That sort of thing 

    Unless of course, someone has little to do at work today and wants to put a tactic together for you :D

    Thanks for your tip! I Will put that to good use.

    Just a lil correction,  i dont want someone to give me a tactic, i Just want tips to how People see a tactic Come to life looking at their squad you know what i mean? Like they see the attributes and be like oh alot of players have x y z so playstyle 1 works best for that. I understand the basics, like if you have very poor attacking full backs you should keep them lower on the field, and you are able to be a bit riskier with your wingers. But in this example, how to play zaharyan in the best place with enough space around him that hé can do his thing. 

  6. Help me figuring out how to analyze a New team and create a tactic from scratch based on attributes of players !

    After a weird period of time (resigned at middlesbrough for bournemouth for premier league football, got relegated and middlesbrough got promoted 😅) i found my way to get a job at Newcastle United. Tactic wise it was easy at all the low levels,  but now that the quality of the teams is so much better i need help in the basics,  what makes team x fitting tactic y. I dont want a plug 'n play tactic, i want someone to explain to me what this team is best in and specificly why. So are you bored at work? Help a fellow manager out ! Been playing fm since 12, but tactic wise it hasnt really clicked since a year or 2. In the links You see the team,  attributes and positions. Im on fm 22 touch. I hope i can get some help here!



    Not wanting to Come across as a lazy Guy, so let me add my first thoughts:

    A stacked team, with very good first touch, stamina and passing. Physical as well and some good pace.  Also some good full backs and overall strong. I would think a 4231 with inside forwards could work, but im worried about my best player not getting the space hé needs to be his best (zhakaryan). I think a gegenpress style would suit this team. Just need to find out how this works and how to implement this style.


    I tried researching this on youtube and forums,  but somehow i miss maybe 10 percent of knowledge to make it fully click... i hope someone can help me here getting that 10 percent..

  7. 32 minutes ago, Experienced Defender said:

    I am managing Man Utd in one of my saves. While I don't play defensive counter-attacking football, I don't play a possession style either. I play a sort of "hybrid" that I would call "progressive possession football" (as opposed to slow and patient/boring possession styles), which utilizes counter-attacks as a tactical weapon to a great extent. I would like to play a typical counter-attacking style with Utd, but the problem is that most opponents play very defensively against me, so they rarely leave space behind for counters to be fully effective. So I had to find some optimal "mix" between different styles.

    We are currently sitting at the top of EPL undefeated, though the season is still underway.

    Kinda curious on how you bring that into realization. Do you mind uploading your save or tactic? If you dont i understand, i'm just curious. Looks like every tactic i make turns into the same thing you know. I never can bring it up to make stuff like a 4-4-2 work, or a 4-3-1-2 (altho i had more experience with the last one, but in FM 18)

  8. 7 minutes ago, Experienced Defender said:

    The answer would depend on what you define as "success". Is success only when you win a trophy? Or is any over-achievement a success from your point of view. For example, if you manage a team that is expected to be relegated, and they finish the season in a safe mid-table position, is that a success or failure?

    Hmmm Well for instance, playing a counter attack quick tactic with a team like Manchester United, or Real madrid. Was the tactic succesfull? They have the players for it, but when i try it i will always get 1-0. 1-1 or 0-1 or in worst case scenarios have a last minute goal against me. 

  9. Question 1: Maybe a bit of a weird one, but do you guys had cases, where a certain team was basicly perfect for one of the preset tactics? Without transfers or anything? For example, Liverpool/dortmund would be perfect for gegenpress, Barca maybe for tiki-taka? Did you guys have instanced where it was perfect, and usable as a good tactic without any tickering during the season? Im curious on examples of teams per pre-set tactic. Curious on what kind of preset would be perfectly fitted for a leicester city type playstyle in their league winner season.


    Question 2: If you could name any preset tactic, what would be the perfect fit for atletico madrid and real madrid? Very curious !


    Question 3: Did you guys have any succes with other tactics than possession based tactics? I feel like all my saves come to the point where possession/gegenpress-ish based tactics are the only ones that works. You guys had any succes with teams playing counter attack football or cattenacio?


    Question 4: What sites do you guys use to recreate real life teams their tactic? I remember their being a site with "charactiristics" and you could basicly use them as a way to form your TI's. 



  10. Couldn't find the stupid question thread in a transfer related topic, so i put it in here, but if there is a topic like that let me know!


    I am in my 3rd season in LEEDS, had a good couple of season and ended 5th last season. Now i am working with a bit of a Moneyball system, spending less and put more effort in scouting and statistics. This all make me have a transferbudget of nearly 300 million with twice the wage budget that i need :'). If i do nothing with this transferbudget, what happens with that money?

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