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96 "There's no crying in baseball"

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  1. Too many instructions. Some (in possesion instructions), just make your play slow and thus, isolates you AF who is dependent on runs behind the defense line. The pivot is fine, the issue is that your BBM is essentially supposed to free up the AM from deep duties. You could change the duty of the AM to attack so he does not interfere. The right winger and left winger can assume support duty roles. Both fullbacks are wide and aggressive. That isolates both CBs in transition. A BPDde behind a dlpd or CDM I just space Interference. BPD can switch to lcb and be told to dribble more to take up space in transitions. (In transition) instructions also. Counter and counterpress isn't a problem. It works. But why not just counterpress? Why take short pass to fullbacks? Play out of defence forces your CBs to drop deep and spread wide. The fullbacks stretch the pitch. The easiest pass is to your CBs. You don't want your GK always trying difficult passes I build up, so go for the safest, at all times, especially with the quality of players. (Out of possesion) instructions are a lot. Test what each individual instruction does, then try and make things simpler to adjust to your game/style of play.
  2. You referenced "the world cup (International tournament)" to strengthen your argument.
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