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Posts posted by foamy248

  1. 22 minutes ago, Elwood said:

    Hi friends, long time player since fm 07, stopped watching football completely, and now I'm back with 18.

    Shameful to admit that I still have no idea what different team shapes do exactly.

    I understand that mentalities for players are more staggered in structured while more universal in fluid. Am I wrong to assume that it affects the team's compactness vertically and fluid moves more as a unit then? Since width controls horizontal compactness.

    My question is, is there any reason to actually not want your team move as a unit? Which essentially is asking is there any reason to use structured over fluid? Cause to me it seems vertical compactness is just better in almost every tactical situation I can think off, passing, pressing, transitioning, defending, good players/bad players

    Must be something I'm not seeing.

    I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure with a fluid team shape, players will break position and roam more often with and without possession. Imo this can definitely be a negative with poorer-quality players (e.g. they may have worse positioning/off the ball/decisions, so a more structured team shape would probably be better suited). 

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