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James Akintayo

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Issue Comments posted by James Akintayo

  1. Some mid range devices do not have the screen resolution to display the HD skin.

    The Samsung A12 has a screen resolution of 720x1600 so it will display the DVGA skin. 

    You can use the 'stretch display' option (Settings > view > user interface > stretch display) to make the game fill the screen, but it is not possible for this device to use the other layout.

  2. It is unlikely that we will be making further data updates to the game at this time, also from what I can see Dean Rastrick is the Academy manger at Tottenham and the head of youth development on FM PC. Staff members in this role are often converted to coaches with a youth specialism when we transfer data over to FM Mobile.

  3. Do you have any apps on your your phone that may be interfering with the game files specifically the Cache folder?

    System cleaners

    Antivirus software

    file managers

    or any other software that regularly interacts with storage device, such as an automated backup service?

  4. I've had a look at the thread, as the user is on a lower end device it will take a while to do certain things like start a new game. I've tested this on a similar device and it can take 2 minutes to start a new game with a single league and a minimum of 6 minutes to start a new game with 5 leagues.

    Can you get the user to try and wait for 5-10 minutes to see of the game responds?

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