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63 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  1. As in the title, the current view is what I have updated and want to have, but when I click continue and move to a different day, the view in the schedule reverts back to what is showing in the file called capture. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  2. When you're playing in the league, how can you see your team lift the trophy after you have won the league? Cup finals is fine that works, but I have won a few league titles now and do not see any trophy presentation after the match.
  3. I have installed the above and made a few changed and saved those into the editor data file. When I start a new game I can see the changes I have made. The issue I have is when I click on any player I cannot amended their stats, the in game editor button or whatever isn't on the menu so I can't change anything. I have went onto preferences and the box is ticked that says show in game editor on the menu. Anyone able to help?
  4. Andre Ooijer and Fred Rutten are showing as Assistant Managers at PSV but I believe both are no longer at the club. Stijan Schaars is now an Assistant Manager
  5. This has been an issue for years and has never been fixed. Player in my team scores in the 46th min. I didn't even know he scored as the goal just appeared on the scoreboard.
  6. Kevin Muscat's name isn't here. Guess it's a licensing issue
  7. Hello Is there a way to make the commentary text larger? Hopefully it's a easy fix.?
  8. Hello, How do you get rid of the Dugout widget on the image below? I play only commentary mode, never seen this before in previous games. Cheers
  9. I am having no luck seeing the trophy presentation at the end of the match when my team win the league. I have tried changing the graphic quality to high, then very high and changed the highlights to comprehensive or even extended. Anyone got any suggestions?
  10. Was wondering if anyone else has had issues with the game speed of their season. Mines runs fine, then when I hit Jan 23 a day takes ages. I have 12 leagues load as playable and a large database but I have never had this issue in previous FM's and I loaded the same amount of leagues and players from the database. I have read that a few players have had similar issues.
  11. Hello, When your team wins a trophy, I don't ever see an podiums players lifting the cup. Can anyone help or tell me what match settings they have on? Cheers
  12. Hello, When your team wins a trophy, I don't ever see an podiums players lifting the cup. Can anyone help or tell me what match settings they have on? Cheers
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