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kiwityke1983 last won the day on September 9

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1,523 "That'll do Pig, that'll do"


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  1. Once beat Sheffield Wednesday away as Barnsley 7-0. The kind of you'd never have to buy a pint in Barnsley ever situation. The fans gave the match an F rating as they were devastated I'd rested my right-back, who wasn't even first choice anyway! It was at this point I gave up ever checking these screens.
  2. Nope I have the opposite problem old enough my memory of the ancient times is wearing thin.
  3. Weird an Asian company, choosing to advertise to an Asian audience by using Asian players! The temerity of it! I'm sure if Citeh or United had any Asian players they'd have used those instead.
  4. The stadiums themselves would be another licence is my guess.
  5. One thing I really hope is improved are the match ratings for players. So many times I see in the highlights a player doing his role brilliantly then the match rating is really low. Defensive midfielders and midfielders who assist the assist are prime examples of this happening.
  6. I'm already upset about the GIFs no need to push me over the edge! 😂
  7. I've used it in FM24 several times especially at lower levels. I guess defensive winger is one of those that is possible to create through a combination of in and out of possession roles.
  8. Trent Alexander Arnold would be an example of a playmaking wing-back I believe.
  9. This genuinely excites me but to crib a press conference comment "the proof is in the pudding and in this case the pudding is the match engine".
  10. Some speculation that they're introducing in possession and out of possession roles. If true pretty exciting.
  11. I'm hopeful for something either Wednesday or Thursday. If we haven't had anything by then it will be Monday. Purely because the last two announcements were Wednesday and Thursday.
  12. Ironically this list is a great way to find good games.
  13. This is one of my number one pet peeve immersion breakers in FM. It's maddening you have to build them step by step which can take literally decades to go from the bottom to the best, especially when like you mention you have tens of millions of cash hanging around.
  14. One drawback to this speculation FM25 has been announced...
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