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13 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. In italy, we have a annual book, curated by Panini, with weight and height of alls players from serie A and serie B. I myself followed the weight task of Italian footballers. This move is simply to open the field for women's football. They hope that 5% of national team managers will become manager of football female. The weight is a protection for women's football. For me it's unwatchable football, I even tried the Olympic final, unwatchable. I hope they can retrace their steps at least for the weight.
  2. The 1st leg must to be played in home stadium(in this case Catania stadium), return match in away stadium(in this case Venezia stadium)
  3. Serie C Playoff's final is played with round trip match in casual stadiums. Example in Catania-Venezia. 1st leg is played in Perugia, 2nd leg in Parma. Year 2025. I haven't screen, but I've seen these in youtube career.
  4. Riccardo Orsolini has old contract with date expires 2024 in the game. New contract expires in 2027. https://www.goal.com/it/liste/orsolini-bologna-rinnovo-contratto-stipendio-fantacalcio/bltc848704347894833
  5. it's correct. The real deal is compulsory purchase after qualification for UCL not loan with right of redemption. It misses 20 goals in season too. https://www.spazionapoli.it/2022/08/14/simeone-napoli-prestito-obbligo-riscatto-cifre/ https://www.sportdelsud.it/bacheca/21/09/2022/le-due-condizioni-per-lobbligo-di-riscatto-di-simeone/ https://www.transfermarkt.it/giovanni-simeone/profil/spieler/282388
  6. Ai matches. I'll provide you a report as soon as possible
  7. i'm seeing a lot of matches from serie A and serie B.
  8. I confirm this. I've seen a player with 9 rating in free kick, score in two different games.
  9. Every game, that i've observed, there is a sending off.
  10. Zaniolo comes back to play in real 15 september, he has lost 6 games. With the game is possible to set injury, starting only from 1 july. But I think, since he played the first two games, that is correct to setting the injury from start of season for only 1 month. @SoloTitano the injury was put after the surgery and newspapers talked of his comeback for starting 2023. Thank you for feedback.
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