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Posts posted by gibson147

  1. 8 minutes ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    People miss this all the time when it comes to contracts, loans, etc. It's something you need to keep a close eye on.  Everything in a contract negotiation is basically a promise - from the weekly wage down to the position and role a player expects to play. The promise about roles isn't on the main contract negotiation screen though, it's the screen before this, ie the one where you agree playing time and pathways. A lot of people get caught with this screen as there's a lot of important extras that can appear underneath, from role promises, to promises about loaning the player out, and the worst one of all - the promise to strengthen a particular area of the squad. I always try and remove this, as my interpretation of squad strengthening might not be the same as the player's! 

    Yes, I reckon this is what happened when I renewed the contract I must have missed his request to play in his preferred role - which is my own fault but at least I know now.

  2. I'm actually quite enjoying playing the game, I decided to give FM23 a miss as I wanted a break from the game and football in general wasn't much fun last season (my avatar will explain why).

    So I was ready for a return this year and whilst certain things are grinding my gears, mostly around player happiness and, in my opinion, ridiculous demands and extreme reactions etc. I'm feeling quite positive about the rest of it.

    Matches are in the main enjoyable, look better than FM22 did and whilst I agree that scoring goals is too easy I don't think that makes it unplayable, I just accept it for what it is in the  world of FM and wait for it to be tweaked. Would be different of course if the AI wasn't producing similar scorelines as well but it does seem to be a general trend.

    Also agree it does appear to be a combination of an increase in clear cut chances and poor defending, which then also contributes to the number of chances hitting the woodwork (I had six in one match but was winning easily so it was more amusing than anything else) to reduce the amount of goals as the defence has parted like the Red Sea again.

    I usually wait until the December update every release before doing a serious long term save anyway for the data update but I can still have some fun with it now.

    Fix the above and also give the manager some more sensible options to respond to players with and then I will be extremely pleased with this edition.

  3. I have mentioned this on another thread, the responses for you as a manager just aren't good enough if player happiness is this volatile. To the point above just having an option of something like 'I would love to give you more money but the club just doesn't have it' rather than just confrontational responses would help. Then dependent on the loyalty, professionalism of the player would dictate their responses - some might still be annoyed and want to leave whilst others should understand and knuckle down. Right now it seems you either have an option to cave in to their demands (which is in this scenario isn't an option at all) or go nuclear and upset half the team.

    Whilst I fully understand that AI and interactions are not easy to implement sometimes the obvious answer just isn't there and that is just very frustrating.

  4. It is looking like I'm about to have an issue with one of my players who is a team leader in the squad hierarchy. 'Feels time is running out to start playing in his preferred position and role' - so firstly I don't remember making any promises that committed to this. Secondly he is playing in his preferred position, centre-back, but his preferred role is wide centre back. Now my team plays with a back four so as I understand it the wide centre back role only works with a back 3 and I'm not about to change the whole formation to keep him happy. 

    So whilst maybe not playing in his preferred role is a legitimate gripe, although I would question this in terms of something so specific as a wide centre back, my concern is when he finally complains about this and depending on what options I have to respond to him, to basically say get on with it, and then he kicks off and then I have a dressing room revolt over how I've treated such a respected member of the squad. 

    Instances so far have tended to be either about playing time, which doesn't tend to escalate beyond the player himself, to wanting an improved contract usually to a ridiculous increase and these do then generally escalate quite quickly to the rest of the dressing room and a showdown with the more respected members of the squad pleading his case. Which again I don't think is very realistic but I could be wrong and fair enough, but what is frustrating is the responses offered - a simple 'he wants too much money' or 'I offered him a contract and he turned it down' aren't an option. It is either a complete backdown and you say OK I was wrong he can have what he wants or you basically are telling them to p*** off and upsetting everyone. Incidentally I imagine if this happened in real life they would be told to p*** off... There is one response which is wait until the end of the season and we will discuss then, which occasionally works, but also can leave the player insulted or offended and usually the response from the squad is we think he should get a new contract now. All well and good but again not very realistic in my opinion, particularly if we are near the end of the season anyway...

    So if player unhappiness is going to be this volatile the options for responding need to be looked at and improved.

    Incidentally on the wide centre back role there seems to be a lot of centre backs in the game with this has their best role, so if recruiting for a centre back to play in a back 4 should I avoid these in case 6 months down the line he starts moaning?

  5. Hi Marling,

    Good to see you doing well with the mighty Leeds :D

    How are you finding it with the players's condition with playing such a high and aggressive press? I'm struggling with mine and I'm not even using the much more often press and trying to game manage with using standard press for some of the game. I'm very early in my save so not bought anyone in yet so using pretty much the team Bielsa is using so most of the players have pretty good stamina / natural fitness ratings.

  6. 6 minutes ago, The_jagster said:

    I feel really bad for Pickford, saves two penalties including Jorginho, and an amazing save that leads to the goal. You couldn't have asked for any more and his passing was still good.

    Yes, if that save hits the post and goes out for a corner... but to be honest it seemed inevitable that Italy would score as we were just sitting back and inviting them on.

    Southgate seems to have a cautious streak, which to be fair has served him very well so far, but that first 30 minutes last night was crying out for a more positive approach as Italy were looking as poor as they had in the whole tournament. They were clearly rattled and we failed to take advantage. There was no way Italy would play that badly in the second half and so it proved.

    To be honest it was a typical final which I imagine for a neutral to watch was not very entertaining. Neither side really deserved to win although overall I would give Italy the slight edge.

    Once it goes to penalties in a final then everything goes out of the window, I mean who would think Jorginho would miss a spot kick? There is a long list of illustrious players who have missed penalties over the years so no disgrace there.

    We move on and Southgate will have learned some things as will the younger players which they can take to the World Cup.

  7. My personal view is that in the world of FM we should just pretend Covid 19 never happened. I come into FM to escape the real world and whilst I'm all for realism there are certain things which should be kept out of what is really a fantasy world.

    Whether there could be an option for the user to select the Covid world or one without? Not sure how this could be easily handled by SI.

    Either way the next couple of years is going to throw up a whole load of challenges for the real football world which one way or another will need to be considered because even if we pretend it isn't happening that means fixture lists, competition dates etc. will all be misaligned.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Tyburn said:

    Yep. It’s this very reason some are upset by the current ME. They think attributes aren’t being replicated properly, which may be true.

    But this story, of a ST with a finishing of 6 just goes to show that either all previous ME’s ignored attributes (they didn’t) or that there are exceptions to the rules. Plus as said, other stats are just as important to how a player performs.

    I’ve currently got a newgen who has been capped by England 44 times at the age of 24. His passing is 8 and his vision is 9. He’s a CB (he’s blatantly not for me) at 5’9” with a jumping of 6. However his positioning is 19. His decisions are 18. Tacking 18. Marking 17. Determination 18 etc.

    He’s a CDM for me, so I’ve been retraining him there. I ask him to pass it to someone who can actually pass and wow. He’s brilliant.

    Need to make our own judgements sometimes :)

    Indeed, I used to get obsessed with trying to get players with full capability in a role so a nice full green circle as it would be now. Of course when you actually look more into the attributes needed for a role, player traits, key mental attributes etc you can have players performing really well in a role that if you just looked at the capability circle (whatever it is called) they wouldn't seem to be the best choice.

    A case in point been Stuart Dallas playing in the right wing back role in my Leeds save, capability wise he doesn't look suited. However, he played so well for me there Luke Ayling struggled to get back in the team when he was fit and capability wise he of course looks to be perfect for the role.

  9. I like the idea of been able to generate your own history in the game. So who you played for etc. You could have a choice to either do this yourself or for those that don't want to it is just randomly generated.

    So you could be a club legend who has come back to manage and the fans are onside from the get go. Or you could have played for a rival so it takes time to win the fans over. That type of thing.

  10. Just now, HUNT3R said:

    Balance is very important too.

    I find in lower league management pace can make the difference between a striker with lower key attributes scoring more than a striker with higher typical striker type attributes but lower pace. Probably because they end up with more chances.

  11. 3 minutes ago, metallimuse said:

    A finishing stat of 6 yet he was prolific? What other stats should I be looking for?

    I always put my eggs in the finishing and composure stats for strikers and then hope their anticipation and vision is good as well.

    I made the mistake years ago of always just looking primarily at finishing... it wasn't until I started coming on this forum and reading some of the really good contributions made by the community that things like composure, off the ball, anticipation etc. were just as important. Seems obvious once you are told :D

  12. I use stars as a guide when looking at players I might want to sign. Are they better than what I already have? What are the areas of the team I need to strengthen? Which positions have lower star rating players? This is all done in combination with scout reports, so taking into consideration attributes, pros and cons etc.

    I recently entered the realm of lower league management and have a five star striker and a couple of four star midfielders but this is all relative to the club I'm currently managing. They would not be four / five star rated if I was managing a club a couple of leagues above and hopefully as I move upwards with this club and bring in better players their star rating will gradually wain in comparison.

    What it does do though is give me some help in identifying where the strengths and weaknesses are when I have absolutely no idea who these players are and what they might be like in real life.  Whereas when I normally manage Leeds United I have a very clear idea right from the start who are the good players.

    And as Rupal states above the star rating is based on your backroom staff feedback as well, so always treat with caution and look at all the other related stats available. As I say above it just gives me a quick visual to work from when taking over a team I don't know anything about.

  13. So far, so good with the new ME... I was getting really fed up with the old one, it was really hard to score goals, full stop. Plus the play itself seemed to be slow despite me trying to play a high tempo, pressing game, I said on another thread it felt like my players were wading through treacle. The game was getting so frustrating that I was close to giving up.

    First few games on the new ME and it definitely has improved for me. Goals are starting to flow again, I'm seeing through balls for my forwards to run onto, plus some wing play and crosses. A fair balance of goals so far, from crosses, play through the middle and some set piece goals as well. Plus my strikers are scoring again!!

    The biggest thing for me though is that my team are playing with a high tempo again, some quick transitions and nice swift moves into the final third.

    I had one game where we completely outplayed the opposition but just couldn't score. Chance after chance spurned and we fell to a sucker punch, header from a free kick. Very annoying but these things do happen from time to time, in the previous ME it seemed to be happening all the time though and was driving me to distraction.

    In summary the game has got its fun back for me, I know it is early days but fingers crossed we are back on track. So a big thanks to the SI devs who have been working hard to make things better.


  14. Just to add to the above I'm doing OK in terms of results, so it isn't the fact that I'm always losing or anything. It just seems to be so difficult to score a goal and in some games you just know from early on it just won't happen. I know this can happen in real life from time to time, I am a Leeds fan so have experience of this, but it seems to be happening in the game now nearly all the time and it just isn't very enjoyable to endure.

    Now if I wasn't creating chances, or clear chances that would be different and I would be questioning my tactics. But these are quite often absolute sitters or at least a clear cut chance and either hit straight at the keeper, the keeper makes a wonder save (time and again) or it hits the woodwork.

  15. I'm thinking of taking a break for a while myself as the game is getting way too frustrating to want to play it. As noted above whilst the long balls over the top seems to have been sorted out actually been able to score goals at all now seems to be so difficult. Multiple and I mean multiple chances are been missed time and time again. Penalties constantly missed. Wingers just hitting the ball against an opponent. And of course the opposition seem to always take their chances. I'm at the point now when my striker is one on once or has a clear opportunity I'm resigned to them missing.

    I actually thought the ME was OK in one of the earlier versions but the last one and the latest Beta version are for me just not good enough. The game is just not enjoyable to play at the moment, the games are rather turgid to watch as despite trying to play an attacking free-flowing style the ME just doesn't seem able to replicate it. At least not in my games. The players seem to be wading through treacle at times.

    Ironically in the earlier version of the ME lots of people were complaining but I was really enjoying it, as were many others, it was almost like there were two versions out there. But for me anyway my team was playing some nice attractive attacking football and win, draw or lose it was enjoyable to play.

    Not sure what has happened, whether there have been too many changes which have had too many knock on effects elsewhere. 

    Hopefully it can be sorted out as right now it's no fun playing this game. IMHO of course, I'm sure others are getting enjoyment.

  16. On ‎03‎/‎01‎/‎2020 at 16:47, Tryllefot said:

    Well, I fell at least composure should be part of it, but I'm sure they have an explanation for it.

    I suppose you could say practising penalties will help with technique and taking of the penalty itself. Actually taking a penalty in a game would be different and dependent on the situation how a player is predisposed to handling pressure. So increasing composure would depend more around some other training sessions focused more on mental improvement and maybe improving over time as a player just naturally develops.

  17. 16 minutes ago, crusadertsar said:

    Exactly, those are probably the essential 3 for any Bielsa tactic, high line of engagement and defensive line. And playing out of the back. The rest just be used as a reaction to what opposition does during the match but should not be on at all times. I rather change the mentality if i need my team to go on more offensive or defensive.

    Yes, fully agreed. I also set the intensity setting for pressing to very high which you can do either through TIs and / or PIs. I tend to set it high on TIs and adjust PIs with my back 4 and DM to low so they don't step out of the defence too much. And also I setup attacking as wide as Bielsa likes to use the full width of the pitch when in possesion. After that though I leave everything as standard and just adjust where needed depending on what happens in the game. Mentality is also set game by game depending on opposition and I will change if required depending again on what happens in the game.

    Since I've been in the Prem I do tend to bottle it a bit and play a lower defensive line depending who I'm up against... I know Bielsa only has a Plan A so goes against his philosophy...

    To do a true Bielsa tactic is very difficult in FM. In fact it is very difficult to do in real life as Bielsa has found out over the years!! It was one of the things I wondered the devs might do and have a 'Bielsaball' option as a tactic :D

  18. I've seen somebody else say this but it is almost like there are two different MEs out there which people are experiencing...

    My own personal experience, I started with the 1st Beata release, has been very positive.

    The first release had way too many long shots flying in, which whilst enjoyable to see Klich smacking them in from 25 yards every game, was not very realistic and was quickly fixed.

    Whilst I didn't see an increase in penalties on one of the releases I did some very soft ones given. This seems to have gone away but that could be because I got promoted to the premiership, so better refs (in theory) and VAR.

    I've seen 1 v 1s scored and missed (FM19 I seem to remember nearly all were missed)

    Penatlies scored and missed (around 60% scored for my team which might be too low but might also be my players)

    Wingers and full backs hitting the side netting, yes I see this happening but I also see pull backs and crosses resulting in my attacking players with a scoring opportunity including some tap ins after some delightful approach play. I just think of this more as a failed cross rather than an impossible shot and don't get too upset about it. For sure though this would be one area which could be looked at to improve at least on the animation of it.

    I see a lot less of my defenders heading straight to the opposition when they have time on the ball, still happens on occasion as it does in real life, and I base that on decision making, composure etc.

    Way more goals scored now through good build up play with a pass into my forward or a cross from the wing, still get the occasional worldy long shot going in but balance to me seems to be about right.

    Do I still get games where I dominate the opposition and miss sitter after sitter and then they score with their first shot on target? Yes I do every now and again. Is it frustrating? Yes damn well right it is. Is it a game breaker? No because you only have to look at my avatar and know I've seen enough of that in real life over the last 12 months. And that is really frustrating... I'm sure Bielsa has felt like doing a rage quit every now and then...


  19. Just now, herne79 said:

    Brilliant.  Start small and build from there.  Add in only what you see you need rather than what you think you need :thup:.

    Exactly, I was too easily sucked into trying to do what I thought I needed to do in finding the miracle tactic. And for some people that might be fine, wanting to win and enjoying that which I'm cool with.

    I do use some TIs, so I set my line of engagement and defensive line as these are general instructions that make some sense for the style you might want to play. These can change depending on the opposition but at least I've got an understanding of what this will mean and why I am doing it. Same with offside trap or playing out from the back.

  20. 4 minutes ago, tajj7 said:

    I'd say Man Utd winning the league that easily is the more troubling aspect of that screenshot, still IMO do in game far better then they do IRL and seem to build back to challenging for the title far too quickly as well. 

    Depends what year it is I suppose... clearly though if this was real life and Pepe was 19 points behind the current Man Utd team he would be sacked :)

  21. On ‎20‎/‎11‎/‎2019 at 20:44, herne79 said:

    This is an important point and has been for years.

    TIs are intended to help shape a style of play if needed.  You can absolutely throw a whole heap of them at a tactic and sometimes you'll get lucky and they'll stick, but I'd suggest that tends to be more by luck than judgement.  And if you do find yourself needing to adapt during a particular match and you have an armful of TIs, how on earth do you know what to change?

    So it's basically (and I'm generalising here, there are always exceptions) two schools of thought: I just want to win, don't care how it works; I want to play with some more finesse and understand what's going on.  Both are perfectly valid and I wouldn't knock anyone for playing the game how they enjoy it.  The difficulty comes when adaptation is needed or the ME changes resulting in TI rich systems becoming more difficult to alter.

    I went through a phase of having so many TIs I was starting to lose track of what might be working and what wasn't... of course it might seem logical that the more instructions you give then the more exact the team will be to what you want. But therein lies the contradiction and the long road to madness :) too many TIs can of course work in just the opposite manner and confuse your team and ultimately yourself. After reading many of the contributions on the forum I decided to focus more on what I wanted from the game, how do I want my team to play. Rather than creating the perfect tactic as there is no such thing really, yes, there might be some game breaking tactic but where is the fun in that after a couple of seasons of wiping the floor with everyone.

    So I start with a clean slate and build from there thinking about how I want my team to play. I then might adjust mentalities and roles and duties depending on the opposition but keep the same formation and tactic.

    Of course been a Leeds fan and mightily impressed with what Bielsa has done with us I wanted to try to follow his example in following his style but it doesn't lend itself easily to the FM world. Or at least I struggled to adapt it faithfully anyway... so I built my own version of Bielsaball based on reading on here, some tactics which people had put together and some of my own choices based on what I wanted to see from my team. But keeping TIs to a minimum and focusing a bit more on roles and duties than I had in the past. And then essentially just tweaking here and there as I went along.

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