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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. I am currently using FM24.3EFV10Knap 424 XB MC P111.fmf so any update for this one or any of the EF tactics would be appreciated. Thanks
  2. @knap currently using one of your 4-2-4 with 2 DM's in the middle with some great success. What is the best 4-2-4 in your opinion that utilises 2 CM's rather than DM's?
  3. Sorry @knap didn't men specifically those roles for midfield, just the following style formation (if this makes a difference) Want to utilise Bruno and Tonali as best I can.
  4. @knap which 451 formation would you say is best for newcastle - 1DM - 2CM?
  5. @knap what is the difference between the 3 Beowulf 41122 ATT, MHD, MLD?
  6. Are there any decent 4-3-1-2 formations on here with 3 central midfielders?
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