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34 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    AR Croatia - Šibenik

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    HNK Šibenik

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  1. Razz, As Šibenik researcher I take responsibilities for that mistake. Due to some changes in research editor program I accidentally remove Torres from the club while I was changing his incorrect transfer history in the game. Wasn't aware of that until beta was out. I've got information that mistake will very likely be changed in full release. Worst case scenario is winter update.
  2. We need new rules about transfer window in every league in the world. Because of FM winter patch. We cannot wait that long.
  3. I understand that you cannot precisely choose date if it depends on various unpredictable things. Then choose mid March and surprise us a week earlier.
  4. Communication is problem, not late update. If it's March, then is March, but please communicate this. In this case, I am not starting new save since early Feb cuz I am waiting...and still waiting
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