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30 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. Hi, I'm looking for a club with young but already confirmed prospects in the big 5. Was thinking to VfL Wolfsburg but do you have any suggestions ?
  2. Thank for the share @knap. Do you think left or right footed player is important for CM or MEZ positions ?
  3. Hi @knap, I already played 3 seasons with a 4-5-1, one with HGF 451 P101 FA CC and two with HGF 4451 IW P102 FA. Both good results. Is it possible to mix them to make this tactic in midfield : IW (At) IW (At) MEZ (At) CM (At) DLP (Su) Because I don't see this combination in any of your 4-5-1 tactic.
  4. HI @knap, What it the actually the best 4-5-1 with inside forwards on both sides ? Thanks
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