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2 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. When launching a game the 3D match engine kicks in, the stadium is there with centre circle logos, advertising, walkouts etc. Even with Stewards in the ground by the exits. But the fans are completely missing. Thats every game too
  2. yes, the same here. graphics at full tilt, runs high end games with ease. No crowds though.
  3. extremely slow running speed and very glitchy. takes forever to go from menu option to menu option
  4. Aye loads of injuries here too. DCL just came back and is immediately out for 4 months. plus, God knows how many other injuries through the squad
  5. had a throwing from the left-hand side of the pitch (director cam) and for some reason we were now attacking the other way for the rest of the half.
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