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Posts posted by peq

  1. Experimenting with a similar tactic, 442 using a winger and a wide playmaker. Pretty much balanced the same way with an af and attacking fullback on the wp side. I use a dlf or cf on support on the other. 

    Both my wp and deep forward produce an amazing amount of key passes and chances created. Teams rarely manage to shut down both.

    I do, however, have a hard time getting my af going. While producing a lot of quality chances in the box or one on ones for him, he rarely puts them away. I've tried different players but the result is the same.

    Instead it's the winger, supporting mid or deep forward scoring (wp to deep forward making a run from deep being a common occurrence, or a cross to the far post).

    For defence I mostly concede from set pieces or counters/crosses to far post. 

    For sitting deep i agree, opposition wingers/midfielders just dribble through the lines and score/square it for a tap in. 

    So, a few questions;

    Any idea how to get the attacking forward working? He has service but the position rarely performs.

    Do you manage to shut down crosses to far post, or atleast cover for them?


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