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Everything posted by RegenHairColour

  1. Thank you for this phnom...for some reason even doing this still won't reassign the images, it just showing blank.
  2. I have all the right editor data and fix packs but there are kits from 5 teams in the Brazilian league that simply aren't showing up. I noticed in the pre-game editor that the ones that aren't showing up lack a 'pictures/team/#/kits/home' aspect whereas the ones that are working have all 3 (please see attached for images). How do I add pictures to clubs kits? Any help would be appreciated, I'd love to be able to see the missing kits in my save! Best
  3. I may have figured it out, they are listed as the 'Takamoto Prince' and 'Takamato Premiere'
  4. I can't find what its labelled as in the drop-down menu. Any advice would be great, trying to edit U-18 Groups 1 and 2.
  5. Where is the 'make female' option while creating a person??
  6. Wondering the same thing. I've done it before bc I have female staff on my custom team in my custom DB but cant figure out how to do it in FM24.
  7. Hi Zachary, I do have custom faces, trophies, logos but not currently in any skins in FM24. I have cleared and reloaded the cache many times. Nothing works. Thanks.
  8. Very disappointed to report the same thing is happening that plagued my save last year, no matter how many avatars I make, they simply won't show up in the game. I know I can post my own photo but it's not the same, is it? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  9. Also, Champions League trophy not even showing up. This will be one of my fav features once it's sorted out properly in FM24. Make the trophy hauls a bigger deal, this is cool but faulty.
  10. My Manager timeline is replete with trophies, however all wrong years. Whenever a trophy is won, all the trophies claim to be awarded that year. See the attached for an example. So much for chronological achievements. Also, I'm only in the year 2025 in my save but it claims I won the 2026 World Cup (I won the 2022 one). Shame.
  11. sad to report the update to FM23 2.0 did not fix this issue @Zachary Whyte@ilkaysf
  12. Kind of you to suggest it @Zachary Whyte. It didn't work but I certainly lost all my preferences. Oh well, worth trying!
  13. Good to know @ilkaysf. I hope you get it sorted. Funny thing is, during beta the generated face was working. Then i started a new save and no matter how many new saves I start, no dice.
  14. Appreciate your honesty here @Zachary Whyte! I'll give it another day just in case as I do 'forever saves' AKA the save I start this week will continue until the week FM24 comes out.
  15. Appreciated @Zachary Whytealthough not as pressing as the generated manager profile picture missing is! Would love to start a save w/ that feature functioning. Thanks and take care.
  16. Thank you @Zachary Whyte? Do you think I should start a save w/o it or do you see this being fixed in a day or two?
  17. Still having this issue with even more intense glare styles...bending lights even.
  18. Hi @Zachary Whyte, any updates here? I'm wondering if I should wait and start a new save or will this be filed under non-remediable? Do you think this is an Mac M1 problem? I've tried starting new saves with and without databases and it doesn't work regardless. https://oc.sigames.com/owncloud/ Dranath Brown - Atalanta.fm Thanks and take care.
  19. Do you think this is an Mac M1 problem? Are you using a newer Mac M1 or M2 chip @ilkaysf, @pjbork? I've tried starting new saves with and without databases and it doesn't work regardless. https://oc.sigames.com/owncloud/ Dranath Brown - Atalanta.fm
  20. Any updates @Abdullah Patel? Do you think this is an Mac M1 problem? I've tried starting new saves with and without databases and it doesn't work regardless. https://oc.sigames.com/owncloud/ Dranath Brown - Atalanta.fm
  21. Oh right, forgot about that! Thanks for your help @Abdullah Patel. Uploaded under: https://oc.sigames.com/owncloud/ Dranath Brown - Atalanta.fm
  22. Thanks for your help @Zachary Whyte Specs: Model Name: MacBook Pro Model Identifier: MacBookPro18,2 Chip: Apple M1 Max Total Number of Cores: 10 (8 performance and 2 efficiency) Memory: 32 GB https://oc.sigames.com/owncloud/ Dranath Brown - Atalanta.fm Rec file attached. match_recording.rec
  23. Thank you @Zachary Whyte, I have figured out the manager image but it's not the same as the generated one which changes over time is it? Here is my save file: I've tried starting new saves with and without databases and it doesn't work regardless. https://oc.sigames.com/owncloud/ Dranath Brown - Atalanta.fm Platform: Steam Model Name: MacBook Pro Model Identifier: MacBookPro18,2 Chip: Apple M1 Max Total Number of Cores: 10 (8 performance and 2 efficiency) (Yes, the game still needs to be integrated to Mac's new M1-M2 chips, I get it):
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