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32 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    Real Madrid Researcher

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  1. This bug has already been discussed, and it's being adressed, thank you.
  2. This is an issue affecting a player of the Brazilian league, we can't do anything about it. If you could raise this issue in the Brazilian Data Issues forum, that would be great. This happened literally today, so it's impossible for it to appear in the database. Please, leave this topic just for data issues, not for news.
  3. As I said, I'll try to confirm this info before doing anything, and act accordingly in future updates.
  4. Thanks for the info, it will be fixed in future updates.
  5. Brahim actually uses both feet equally, as is reflected in FM. I'm not sure where did the french wikipedia got that info, but it's not accurate.
  6. Well, I don't trust much the official site of Getafe to be honest, as some of the sections of the website are clearly outdated. Spanish football clubs don't expend too much time or resources on their websites, unfortunately. In this case, I know for sure that Jimenez left Getafe in 2021 to sign with Real Madrid, but I haven't been able to confirm if he has left Real Madrid to return to Getafe. Until I can confirm this information, he'll remain in Real Madrid.
  7. Which game mode are you playing in?
  8. Yes, this is a known issue. I fixed it in the earliest stages of the FM24 database, but apparently it has reappeared again. No worries, I will fix it again in future updates. About your question: That's easy, we are doing a million other things that are way more important and needed than Rodrygo's player history. Thanks for posting.
  9. About this, I haven't been able to confirm if the Irish government has already given him the nationality, that's why it's not reflected in the game yet. It will be added in the game as soon as I find an official anouncement, something that should happen in the next weeks.
  10. Ancelotti's tactics are currently changing and evolving in real life, and they'll be revamped in FM too in the future, thanks.
  11. Well, I've been doing some research these days and apparently the Peak PA is the maximum PA reached along the player's career, i.e., the max PA reached in older versions of FM. The issue here is that Peak PA seems to not work very well with negative PAs, hence the 247 of Nakai. So, yes, something is broken, and can't be fixed trough the database, but it doesn't affect the game in any way. Nakai's PA keeps being -9, and that 247 can be fully ignored. I hope this settles the matter...
  12. Well, I'm actually the guy who puts all those numbers you see in that screenshot, so I look at even harder data than you can see in the editor. Again, I haven't put that 247 anywhere, so I don't know where the game gets that number, but it's not from the database, or at least from nothing we can control. And by the way, in Madrid we don't like much the nickname "Merengues", we prefer Madridistas, thank you.
  13. Well, his PA is -9, so I don't know where do you get that 247 from. But I'm certain it's not from the database.
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