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Everything posted by Smigo08

  1. Nice Post, i was looking at something last night after coming home from the LFC game, what i noticed was when LFC had possession although more of a 2242 in possession 1. LEFT SIDE - Gravenberch would be high and wide with Jota narrow, had this set up as AP (stay wide) IW (stay narrow), with the LB offering width also - TI had overlap on the left. 2. RIGHT SIDE - Salah would hold the width and Szbo would also be very wide almost on the same line as Salah, he would offer the underlap, had this set up Salah - W (stay wide), Szbo - WP (stay narrow) - TI had underlap, Trent as the IWB 3. CENTRAL - 2 BPD, RCB with stay wide, Used Alexis Mccalister as the DLP. some of the movements and the goals that came replicate very much how its supposed to, wonder if you could look at what roles i have mentioned above to see if you can make this better? i'm not sure if anyone has set a a CM on WP on sit narrow to occupy the HS rather than using the MEZ. just an idea, would be nice to see your take on this.
  2. Doesn't the VOL (Gundogun) block the Right sided IWB? i was told that if that space is occupied then the IWB wont invert, or is this intended not to?
  3. can this be re tested with Liverpool and added to the spreadsheet? no data is on the sheet for this tactic.
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