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104 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"


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    Liverpool supporter, but also follow West Ham to lesser degree.


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    Gaming, Sports

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  1. Need recommendations on Spanish second league club for ‘24 save. Prefer someone that wouldn’t be out of place for promotion year 1 with decent fan base and stadium.
  2. Maybe something on my end, but it seems really challenging to see and scroll a players traits. See attached.
  3. Yes, I understand it’s a critical issue. But this is an open Beta. There’s a long list of issues big and small. I think that the role of this beta is to test and identify issues. The current release that is available makes no claim that it is a final product. Forums certainly cannot translate tone, so maybe I’m misreading the original post, but I am not sure what your expectation is from SI’s perspective. If this was happening after the actual release and was fundamentally preventing you from playing game with no refund available your concerns and request for a more detailed explanation would be warranted. For the record I agree that this issue is very important and a critical area of the game. But having participated in this Beta a few times over, I think the experienced player base should offer some degree acknowledgement that SI generally addresses the issue raised during the Beta ahead of release. To boot, the game sees additional patches applied at several intervals post-release as well. You may not like all the headline features, but we almost always have a high quality, well functioning simulation engine by release date.
  4. This is a Beta, with this goal of identifying issues. Come back on 11/8.
  5. Defaults in U21 squad. He’s been a regular for Liverpool this season
  6. I think that’s an unfair statement. It’s not a magic wand. They have noted they are aware of issue and working on it. They have thanked the posters for their contribution. Would you expect a webcast be opened to shadow their cubes this upcoming g week?
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