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Everything posted by SergeiG

  1. When Ten Hag got Anthony and Martinez he didn't scout them. Football manager IRL watch TV, read the news, watch YouTube, play against or with certain players(like Malacia in Ten Hags case). I don't think it's very realistic to stop searching for players.
  2. That's fine, I think adding difficulty should be optional like in CIV. I don't believe in forcing things on people.
  3. Really? When and where did I do that? Please don't put words in my mouth or pretend to know what I think.
  4. I seldom buy star players anyway. In my first window I got Andreas Schjelderup and let him play in the Europa League to develop. I plan for the future you see?
  5. My tactics are slightly different. And I got Scalvini is January(I was using Lord Maguire before that) and I am doing fine: I do a lot of team cohesion training and rotate the squad regularly to let people rest and not overload the donkeys. All of my Europa League games I played the bench
  6. Are you sure about that??? United played with McFred forever, No real stickers, rubbish defense, overpriced old players like Sanchez and Phil Jones is still at the club.
  7. Looks pretty realistic to me as Chelase are rubbish now LOL Anyway its a hard question to answer from one screenshot.
  8. I could do that but I like gegnpress. Instead of the players urging SI to fix it you suggest the players avoid it? What?? Anyway, last year I played tiki taka style and it was too easy too.
  9. I think in FM 2020 I managed a mid-table Israeli team which got one of the lowest budgets in the league and managed to win the CL after like 9 years, I can't say it wasn't a challenge at first but after 5 seasons or so I was cruising and got bored after that. I stopped playing after I won the CL.
  10. Yeah, Maybe it could be a setting to tick on or off to let the AI have extra money, or no attribute masking etc.
  11. BTW I think United is the perfect example for this thread to make my point. This team been struggling for years, finishing as low as 6 or even 7 ten years ago. But I can take control of the team and with minimal effort win the treble in my first season.
  12. The thing is, I don't remember FM being so easy when I started playing. I think after 2019 or so the AI became extra stupid. Maybe I am wrong. But one of my favorite teams to play with was Barnet, and I remember after getting to the championship after some years I was just stuck there for years, fighting relegation battles for like 3-4 years and another 5 to get to mid-table, so I don't think it's Stockholm syndrome. Nostalgia maybe? And yeah, maybe the AI should get an advantage if it can't compete with the human player? Why not? CIV is doing it...it's not a perfect system for sure but if the AI is struggling VS human players they need some help.
  13. No, They think it's MY job as a paying costumer to make the game better for myself and not hold the devs responsible for their own product but I get your point. I let my temper do the typing. Sorry mate. The reason for my temper tho is that I am very passionate about the game I have been playing for 20 years now and it makes me mad to watch the devs and some of the player base let things like that slide and pass the responsibility to the players. it's like making a broken game and expect the modding community to fix it. it's a bad business practice.
  14. I am a capitalist so I understand the sad truth of life.
  15. Oh yeah, and Ronaldo who in real life cant score a goal this season if his life depends on it, is outscoring Haaland in the game. 10/10 for challenge and realism.
  16. I'll tell you what guys. When you say that it's up to me to make the game challenging you basically give the devs a free pass to keep making an inferior product with crappy AI. It's not my responsibility to make the game good, fun or challenging. Every level of the game supposed to have its own challenge. Just go ask Klop, Tuchel and Eric Ten Hag how not challenging it is to play at the top of the PL when the smallest of things can get you sacked. Tuchel won the CL after a few months at the club, look at him now. The facts are - Manchester United are no longer a top 2 or even a top 5 team in England and yet for me, A guy who sets up a basic tactic and use it for like 3 seasons straight and pay little attention to training can just press continue for 2-3 days, watch some matches and make some subs and win the treble like it's nothing, Something is wrong with this game. The bottom line is, it's not my responsibility to make the game interesting and by not holding SI responsible for making the AI better and the game a bit more challenging we allow them to keep making the same watered down inferior product.
  17. The literary didn't. None of them had back to back promotions from league 2 and 1(both from 1st place) and none of them had the same success in the championship nor did they preform that good in the PL, specially not Bournemouth who almost got relegated in the first season in the PL. But even if they did it's statistically irrelevant. I also played with AZ and in 2 years I dominated the Dutch league and was a Champions League regular. I played with Anderlecht and in a few years I won the Champions League. You can fanboy all you want, but the game is too easy.
  18. I get your point, but the casual FIFA crowd didn't support the game since it was CM. The people who played the game since high school, saving 3 months of allowance and taking the bus to a physical store to buy it doesn't matter anymore?
  19. My point exactly. At this point I find power wash simulator more challenging than FM.
  20. Yeah. The difference from league 1 and the championship is huge and I think I finished 3rd or 4th in my first season in the championship and I lost the promotion playoffs, thats why I spend 2 seasons in the championship. After that I began to lose interest slowly.
  21. Bro, taking a league 2 team and in 6 years be a mid-table PL team is unheard of. After the 6th season I think I finished 7th or so I stopped playing because it was boring and easy, My point exactly.
  22. For me at least. I am crushing the league so far, and my tactical understanding is pretty average.
  23. Did you read my thread? Last year I played Salford for 6 seasons and managed to be a mid-table PL team. I don't feel the game changed that much, a default Gegnpress still dominates the game.
  24. Feels like I am playing with god mode on. At least City should be better than me, No?
  25. Yeah, I was shocked by Maguire too. I think they nerfed his pace and acceleration but thats about it.
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