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Issue Comments posted by (sic)

  1. 12 minutes ago, Abdullah Patel said:

    Please can we get a save game with this issue occurring, and do you know what year(s) this is affecting?


    Sure thing. I've uploaded the file (Red Star.fm).

    The year where I really noticed it was season 26/27, as I had 8 players out on int duty (for Serbia mainly). I can confirm it also happened in previous season as well, which 25/26 and in 23/24 as well. 

    Haven't really played further than that, but I'm sure it would be the case in the future as well.



  2. Yeah, I have no idea why they changed this. Sure, sometimes you want to have your WBs as wide as possible in the buildup, but sometimes, you'd want your wingers to provide the width instead, while IWBs sit in the middle.

    Not to mention if you want to have a wide player coming in to form a back 3 in the buildup, you simply can't do it, as the players will position as wide as possible.

    Again, this change makes sense, but it doesn't make sense that we can't control whether we want it on or off, especially in the buildup.

  3. Seems like the issue carries on from FM22. 

    My left footed IW on the right side should cut in on his stronger foot, try to take players on by dribbling inside maybe? No?

    Instead all he does is run almost to the byline, then turn around and try to pass/cross from there. It's insane how players can't do something so basic and fundamental to football.
    He does actually cut in sometimes, but it's around the halfway line, and pretty much never in the final third/in front of the box. 

    Players just don't seem to want to dribble past the opposition player, dribbling boils down to running around with the ball. There are no skill moves/tricks involved most of the time.


    Edit: They only seem to cut inside when there's plenty of empty space. As soon as there's an opposition player, they suddenly act too scared to come near them, and instead choose to pass the ball. If the players weren't so scared of the opposition players, they would be willing to take them on and dribble past them. Sadly, it's not the case.


    25:35 for example.

    FK Voždovac v Red Star.pkm

  4. 8 minutes ago, Kyle Brown said:

    This is just a limitation of the 2D engine. In 3D it looks fine, so we wouldn't consider it a bug. 

    I wouldn't say this is just a visual thing, if the player is already occupying CBs space, the CB should move wider or stay behind, not get in the DLPs way. I've seen many lost balls because of this thing, player 1 will get into another players way, player 1 will attempt a pass but it will hit the player in front of him who is blocking the passing lane. (It was definitely the case in previous FMs, I may have noticed it once or twice in this FM so far as well, but it's not occurring too often)

  5. 2 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    By chance, do you have a save file directly before you aren't able to attend the meeting? We've tried it on our end but can't get it to reproduce. 


    The save I uploaded was right on the day of the staff meeting, however I do not have another save file with the bug. It didn't work for a few in-game months then it started working again normally.

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