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4 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. It's been happening every season so far, when the board sets an initial budget for the next season. Let me know if I should re-upload a save right before getting a new budget.
  2. Hi again, sorry about the late reply. The issue is still going on and have been so for every season of the save. Save has been uploaded. Name: "Sean Rønholt - MVV Maastricht.fm"
  3. Playing with Maastricht. I am experiencing some very weird interactions with the board regarding the transfer budget available. Two seasons in a row, I have been generating HUGE amounts of transfer income (relative to the club). This season I sold players for 870 million (DKK). I spend only 270 mio on transfers. In total, at the end of the season, my balance is 795 mio. Profit/loss is 560 mio. My available transfer budget right before season ending was 640 mio. Wage budget was 82 (75 commited). However, projections for the years to come all say -27 mio in transfer budget. This is the case for all of the coming three seasons. And when I got to the point where the board set the new budgets, they had moved a lot of the transfer budget to wages. This gave me -27 mio in transfer budget, and a wage budget of 345 mio (75 commited). It is not possible to adjust until I have made 27 million in transfer income. This has happened to two seasons in a row. And it makes no sense to me. I cannot say for sure that this is a bug, but if now, i do not understand the logic behind this new feature at all. It seems that no matter what I do, the projected transfer budget for the coming seasons are impossible to influence no matter how much money i generate from transfers during the season.
  4. When creating a new tactic, or changing an existing one, the preset formations you can choose from the dropdown is limited and not showing the full selection. This is also the case when searching for staff and wanting to use the "Preferred Formation" filter, which is even more limited. This This has been happening across all saves i've tried for FM23 as well as FM24. On multiple devices as well.
  5. Yeah, the title is a bit weirdly phrased, in lack of a better wording. So the case is, I am managing VFL Osnabrück, and have gotten them to the Bundesliga. All good. If I recall correctly, I was asked whether or not to start a reserve team, once I got promoted to 2. Bundes. I accepted, and fast forward 10 seasons, I am wondering if it is possible at all, to get a "newly" created reserve team into the league system? I have not had players in the team at all up to now, but since it is quite an investment to get all the staff and players for an entire new team, I was wondering if this is at all possible in the first place? I'm fine with it taking some time, if they have to win promotion in lower leagues behind the scenes, as long as i know something is happening in time.
  6. Hi again, is there any news regarding this? I am still missing most of the formations? Do you need me to upload a save or something?
  7. Yes, sorry for the late response. The schedules are there for me too.
  8. To me it seems that there might be some imbalance on your team, with three players up front on attack duties, probably being too far focused on forward runs to help out defensively (at least initially) and then the two central midfielders both roaming around the pitch. So I would probably go through a few of the games and pay attention to how this dynamic is turning out.
  9. I am missing a lot of the pre-made formation templates, when creating a tactic. Whenever I create a new tactic, i can only choose from a very few number of formations. Once the tactic is created, i have a few more to choose from, but I am still missing a lot from the formations-tab. I have tried in multiple saves and on multiple devices with the same result.
  10. I have tried playing on multiple devices and saves to check. But I am missing a lot of the pre-made training schedules that have been available the other years. Also, whenever i click on "Custom Schedules" i have to click the "Select Schedule..." button again, to get the few pre-made schedules back to select.
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