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15 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. I think if a player has won the golden boot or is top of the goalscoring chart in the stats page, then it should say if that player has played for (and scored for) multiple teams in that season. For example., in my current save, an Arsenal striker has just won the golden boot in the Premier League, but he started the season at Southampton, played 24 games and scored 14 goals, moved to Arsenal and added 9 goals in 13 games. It's a small thing but it does add to that overall feeling of each individual season having it's own story. It was always the case in real life that it would be listed that way. Obviously would apply to all players and not just the one that finished top of the list.
  2. No, it's only for the Premier League International Cup, as mentioned by the original poster. The problem is that there is no way to appoint a proper manager of the U21's because they literally only play in that competition. There isn't a function to appoint any U21 staff for Rangers (and I'd guess Celtic and others who have 'B' teams) because there is no other need of them. It's not a major issue as there are workarounds, skins etc, but it is an annoying waste of 10 mins or so making sure any players you might need aren't placed in a pointless game.
  3. Done. It's called Glory Hunter - Club One - Rangers.
  4. There's more to it than that though, as explained in the opening post. The whole promises and interaction system needs an overhaul because it's like whoever has written the code/script have never had a conversation with another human being before. Circumstances change, that is what needs to be represented more within FM.
  5. I understand that, mate. My point is more that the broken promise system doesn't really work. It's not taking into account an important factor in the decision making process. There needs to be some kind of conversation option where that point can be put across because it's just not realistic otherwise. With the first point, yeah, I see what you're saying. But again, it's the putting across the first viewpoint only to then ask to leave anyway, why offer the idea he could play alongside his teammate if he's going to leave anyway? I don't think that would happen in real life. You'd just ask to leave at the first opportunity.
  6. It feels to me like the logic of players in FM 24 has somehow got worse than previous versions of the game. I know this isn't a new thing as such and I can't imagine it's easy to get this 100% right but some of it is just baffling. Two Examples. Firstly, I am currently managing Rangers, 4th season in and have been playing a 4-3-3. My DM has been signed in the summer, he's been that good that I haven't been able to get the player who played in that position previously back into the team. He comes to see me about a lack of game time, more than fair enough but after me saying that the other player is just playing to well at the moment, he offers the idea that they could maybe co-exist. It's a fair point so I agree to give him more game time, but then he claims he doesn't believe I will and says he wants to leave. What was the point in the first bit if you're just going to ask to leave anyway? You might as well just ask for a transfer in the first place. I don't find any of it that realistic. Second example. I had to leave out my Australian 2nd choice right back of the Champions League squad. I'm sure most people will know that tricky feeling of having a player or two left over and someone having to miss out due to the rules. I did say I'd put him back in at the next opportunity (January) but when that opportunity came round, he was away with Australia in the Asia Cup. I wasn't going to just waste a space for a crucial game on a player who literally wasn't even in the same continent. I know I could have put him back in and saved the bother but surely that is just broken logic? Surely there is something where the player realises the situation? It's not like he's forsaken going to the Asia Cup to stay and play in the Champions League, is it? I appreciate that sometimes your own choices can come back to bite you, but I do feel there is a step missing in both these examples.
  7. It would make more sense to have a small window or box showing the examples of hair colour in the in game editor rather than just the different number, similar to how it is in the Pre Game Editor.
  8. In Roberto Cuesta's non playing history, it states he was the Chairman of Sheffield Wednesday. He wasn't, he was an assistant. When I try to change this in the Pre Game Editor, it won't let me?
  9. This is an idea I've had for a while. Why not have an option at the start of the game where you can choose if you want press conferences to be in the game or not. I'm fully aware that an assistant can be sent to do them but that still leaves open the idea that something might be said that has a detrimental effect on the players and their morale. Why not just allow an option (similar to attribute masking) and allow the player to decide if they want them in the game or not? From a personal point of view, I find them a waste of time nine times out of ten.
  10. Will the Real World mode carry on after the January update? As in, when players move in the transfer window in real life, will this be replicated in the mode if you start a new save in say, February?
  11. I've mentioned this before on here a few years ago and I understand it isn't a major thing. However, the logic of press conference questions is so so bad. I'm currently in a journeyman save managing Sunderland. Just played my first Champions League match at home to Shakhtar Donetsk. Came away with a decent 1-1 draw. First question I get asked after the game? What do I think about a young lad we have out on loan at Hartlepool United? This is just one example. There are loads throughout the game. It takes away from the realism. The question on it's own is fine, but not after a big match.
  12. When in the squad screen. Sorting via appearances in the League (or any competition but in this case is the league) is slightly flawed as what it actually sorts by is the number of games they have started. For example I have a player in my current save who appeared in league 30 games, but only actually started in 4 of them. Therefore he's ranked in that specific sort lower than a player who made 6 appearances but happened to start 5 of them. I know it's hardly the most important thing and not that hard to work out but still.
  13. Is it possible to create a custom fixture list for pre season friendlies?
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