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16 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. What happened Mick Beale?! Not often you do a manager tactical recreation, and said manager gets sacked twice in the same season. Turns out talking a good game doesn't always translate!
  2. Thanks man, appreciate it. Tactical recreations are my personal favourite to read in this forum. It's nice to see what you interpret on the pitch replicated in game. The difference being the recreations are usually from a successful tactic... unlike this one! Don't think I've seen a tactical recreation on here one day, only for the recreated manager to be sacked the following day.
  3. Haha, I couldn't have timed this thread any better! If my team played as well IRL as they do in game, this situation wouldn't be happening.
  4. Thankfully I stated this, after yesterday's shambles How Beale thinks he sets up, and how it actually materialises, are two completely different things!
  5. Watching Rangers play so far this season, they have been mediocre at best. After Michael Beale stated that he would be 'taking the handbrake off' Rangers this season, it has yet to materialise. So with the latest transfer update, I thought I'd give it a go. This is my interpretation of Beale Ball. How I think, Beale thinks, he is trying to play. I think the back 5 is fairly standard. Both centre halves are asked to play and step out, with the occasional long pass forward, BPD(d) for both suits. The fullback's provide most of the width for Beale's tactic, with the right distinctly more attacking than the left. So WB(s) and WB(a) respectively. He has consistently spoken about having an 8 and a 6 in the middle. I think a box-to-box suits his 8 perfectly, although IRL this role hasn't contributed greatly to attacking play, and has been more subdued than the dynamic BBM role in FM. The 6 was probably the most questionable role in this interpretation. Again, IRL, Nico Raskin plays this role as a pivot/playmaker. In the initial interpretation, I had this role as DM(s), but I felt he wasn't involved enough. I debated over DLP(s) and RGA(s), as I wasn't sure if DLP(s) in front of 2 BPD would be overkill, and too condensed in that area. But settled on DLP(s), as RGA(s) is more aggressive and has too much freedom for my liking, with roam from position hard coded. The 3 behind the striker could have been 3 AMC, as Beale seems to want a very central attacking unit, with the only width coming from the wingback's. But recently he has been utilising Matondo on the left, cutting in using his pace, so I've taken that into account. The IW(s) was preferred to the IF(s) as he still puts the odd cross in (as IRL) when a run isn't an option, and the IF(s) has cross less often hard coded. A bog standard AM(s) was selected as we don't want any more width on that side with the marauding wing back using that space. The remaining role options are playmaker ones, which I don't want in this strata as it may slow down play in the final third. The other role chosen being the SS(a), again not wanting a playmaker role. Beale has been trying to fit 2 (sometimes 3!) strikers in his system, so this SS(a) gives us an extra striker without an out and out striker. I don't 100% know what Beale expects from his main striker, he seems to want a bit of everything from him, which would indicate a complete forward. But this is my interpretation, and I love the advanced forward, so AF(a) it is! The 3 players rotating the SS/AF positions have 30 goals between them at this stage already, so it seems to work for now. TI are indicative of a high pressing, quick on the transition style; direct, higher tempo, playing higher up the pitch. Which in, albeit very limited spells, has been attempted IRL by Beale. First round of league fixtures done, sitting top, plus a decent Champions League run so far. Conceding some sloppy goals early on, but as tactical familiarity increased, sloppy goals became fewer. The highlight of the run beating Napoli at home 3-1 with a front line ravaged by injury Recreating Beale Ball has reignited the fun in FM for me. Keeping the hand brake off from here on in!
  6. *update on Leicester 433 end of season* From bottom at the start of November, to a last day European place chance. Having secured at least 8th place with a game to go, I needed a win and results to go my way for a European spot. All was looking well until Brentford drew with City in the last minute of extra time! Should have been a simpler finish to the season, but we hit a slight dip in form with a few draws and a loss in the last 6 games Really enjoyed my foray back into the 433 formation, with some beautiful football played at times! Especially Maddison and Daka, who both shone in this system. My tactic remained fairly consistent throughout No PI at all, and with only a few TI changes on a game by game basis, as mentioned in a previous post Anyway, onto next season. Some deadwood to shift, and one or two first team upgrades to come in. Lets go!
  7. Honestly just on the fact that Leicester were bottom of the table when I took over, and I didn't want to be too adventurous on both flanks! With the left side on attack duty, I was hoping for some stabilty from the other side.
  8. So after a long time away from my old trusted 433, this thread has brought me back in! Really enjoyed reading your breakdown and reasoning of 433 variations @Johnny Ace, it reignited a spark and led me to start afresh and abandon the 4231 I'd been messing about with for a while. Fancying a bit of a new challenge, I holidayed until the first Premier League manager was sacked and took that job. This being Leicester, at the end of October, rock bottom of the table. After analyzing the squad and checking in with the team comparison, I find we are above average in work rate, teamwork and passing, so this will give me the base for TI. That comparison, along with what I had at my disposal, as well as what I'd read in this thread, eventually lead me to this base The initial version of this tactic had the DM as a BWM, which I felt was leaving too many gaps and not offering enough stability, so after reading through the thread I took on board advice from @Cloud9 which has helped hugely The CM(a) was previously AP(a), but even though the middle two looked fairly reliable, I felt there wasn't enough threat coming from there. I now have goals coming from there (Tielemans finally finding some form in that position!) and not having to rely solely on the front three. The only changes I make is dropping the LOE and DL down a notch, coupled with counter-press off, and counter on against bigger teams. As good as my lads are at grafting and pressing high, the better teams always find a way around the press and leave you exposed. Anyway, results have been good, well on the way to Premier League mid table safety. Thanks to all that made this thread great, and reignited my love of a good old 433
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