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twitch tv ivivaj

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Posts posted by twitch tv ivivaj

  1. 13 minutes ago, Andrew James said:

    Hi @twitch tv ivivaj

    This is expected behaviour and working as intended. 

    There are plenty of examples of players who do peak at a young age in real life, and almost all of them would have been predicted to continue to improve at the time. 

    Staff's JPA and JPP do make a difference here, but there are always likely to be differences between a player's perceived potential ability and their actual potential ability.


    Alright, thanks for clarification. I never spotted this exact situation (all coaches no matter what JPA giving a difference of 3 stars CA/PA) in all the years I've been playing and thats why it seemed strange to spot at least 2 on my own team at the same time.


    Have a nice day

  2. 20 minutes ago, FlorianAlbert9 said:

    For the first thing, it depends: different staff could produce different stars:

    Go to: report-team depth-show potential ability than you can select staff in opinion of.



    Here you can see my coaching team. JPA ranges from 6 to 14




    When getting the opinion of ANY of them (either from squad depth as you suggested or from staff responsibilities) I get the same, 2/5 stars:


    As i said, for me this is a bug. The way i'd expect it to work is:


    1- You sign a young player with 30 CA/170 PA = you get 1 star / 5 stars. once you get close to 170 CA, you will have 5/5 stars

    2-You sign a young player with 30CA/50 PA= you get 1 star/5 stars (because your scouts or coaches have crap JPA), but once your player gets closer and closer to 50 CA, the 5 potential ability stars get reduced until it balances at 2/2 stars or whatever. but in the end if the player has reached max potential CA=PA no matter what.

    That's the way it used to work of past games as far as I could tell, and the way that makes sense for me, thats why I'd love clarification from SI on this one. Hope it makes sense.



  3. 7 hours ago, FlorianAlbert9 said:

    it is not a bug. 

    instead it is a great thing. 

    not always staff can judge correctly the potential 
    (and i think they even should be more often wrong)

    I would believe it if other staff member with better JPA would give more accurate stars, but they all think the same about the player. Also kinda strange that they both reached "max potential" at 18 i would say... What player reaches max potential at 18? Body is not even fully formed at this age in real life...

    Sounds  very weird to me, someone from SI can confirm?

  4. Hello.

    I always wondered why the possibility to select more parameters for our scout recommendations doesn't exist.

    Obviously im not speaking about filtering by hidden attributes, but i would like the ability to filter by any of the fields that the scout may be aware of.

    Example: I want to be informed only about <personality of the player> type of players and so on. Basically i want to be able to use the same fields for the scout recommendations as i can use on the player search screen (or maybe even more)

    Is there a reason why this is not implemented? Doesnt sound like something too difficult to do to be honest.

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