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Everything posted by bitzu_rock

  1. Hi! What is the shortest trial period to fully get knowledge on a player ? Thanks!
  2. Hi! Is there any guideline for each team instruction required attributes. Meaning something that helps creating squad views with attributes for each team instruction. So it can be known easily what team instructions to select depending on available players with their attributes. Thanks !
  3. I saw on youtube videos that this is still working...at least that's what it was said...
  4. But I did not advanced any day in the future when selecting that package. Just select it, selected players for trials, selected back my allowed package and only then advanced in the game.
  5. Anyway...after first month (July) my scouting budget is done...from 240k at the beginning I remain only whit 825...I do not know what can cause that exactly ?
  6. If I select a higher scouting package, I get new players available. If I change back to my allowed package, those players are not displayed anymore. I think you can only see players depending on the package you have set.
  7. Found it, but even un-checked, after first month the scouting budget was consumed. And I only scouted as the scouting package allowed. When I am taking players on trial I select the biggest scouting package, I take the players on trial then I change back to my allowed scouting package without clicking continue button to pass any day. What could be the cause for this quick finish of the scouting package ? Maybe I am doing something else wrong? I usually scout a player for two weeks, but..I am not sure how long actually the scout spends on him to scout.
  8. I scouted only Vanarama Nord/South region as my scouting package allowed me.
  9. HI ! What is the reason that my scouting budget (in Vanarama North League) was over after just one month ? Even if I scouted players covered by the package ? Thanks!
  10. I am managing in the 6th tier lower league in England. I only have scout budget for this level scouting area. If I want to loan players from leagues above (till the 1st tier), but those teams do not allow players to come on trial at my club, how can I know if that plyers is good for my squad ? Thanks !
  11. But the latest All routines saved will not override the pervious one ?
  12. Yes. I know the set pieces are not connected directly to tactic. But if I want to change tactic to ore attacking or more defensive, I would like also to change set pieces. How do I do that without changing every routine during a match? I am not sure if I can save all routines multiple times depending on which tactic I need to apply them.
  13. What I am asking is how I can change easily set pieces when I switch a tactic. Not to go through every set piece and load the desired one ?
  14. I am referring if I just want to change tactic and apply proper set pieces, how o I do that ? I need to have saved specific routines or there is a way to separate set pieces according to a specific tactic? Saving all routines for a specific tactic and then saving all routines for another tactic seems not to work...or I am missing something.
  15. HI! How can I save multiple set pieces for different tactics (for example main tactic, attacking tactic, defensive tactic) ? If I create routines for a tactic and save all routines with a name, then I create other routines for a different tactic and save all routines with a different name, the second save seems to override the first one. Thanks !
  16. HI! How can I save multiple set pieces for different tactics (for example main tactic, attacking tactic, defensive tactic) ? If I create routines for a tactic and save all routines with a name, then I create other routines for a different tactic and save all routines with a different name, the second save seems to override the first one. Thanks !
  17. Hi! From what I saw the minimum requirements to play FM24 are: Processor: Intel Core 2 or AMD Athlon 64 X2 Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: Intel GMA X4500, NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT, AMD/ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650 - requires 256MB VRAM and DirectX® 11 My laptop configuration is: Intel Core i5 7300HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 I that enough to run the game ? Thank you !
  18. Hi! I observed when doing a search, that I get a certain number of players counted but if I scroll down the page, I have some blank spaces at the end of the list (I have the scroll option even if there ar eno players displayedd). Also if I ask for reports for all the players in the list (max 50 at once) using the scroll option, the players colour turns orange. But if I filter using another attribute, I get new players displayed (even if the counting number is the same). Does anyone else encountered this issue ? And what I need to do to fix it ? Thanks!
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